A Lap of Caulfield Park
Seasoned journalist Ashley Browne speaks with Australian Jews making an impact; from fashion to football, business to the arts. Tracing their lives and influences, these intimate conversations are the perfect companion for your daily walk – or lap of Caulfield Park.
Podcasting since 2020 • 28 episodes
A Lap of Caulfield Park
Latest Episodes
David Smorgon, businessman and adviser
At its peak, in the early 1990s, Smorgon Consolidated Industries was one of the largest and most diverse family businesses in Australia.David Smorgon estimates that there were 25 family members across three generations working in the bu...
Season 3
Episode 28

Julie Szego, journalist
On the final Lap of Caulfield Park podcast for 2021, Ashley Browne is joined by fellow journalist (and fellow The Age alumnus) for a broad discussion and occasional deep dive into the news and views of the day and the year.
Season 2
Episode 27

Paul Fink, stroke survivor and podcaster
What is it like to be 34, having just had your first job, just starting your dream job and then having it all ripped out of your grasp by a shocking, life-altering event?In the latest Lap of Caulfield Park podcast, stroke surviv...
Season 1
Episode 26

Cara Davies, entrepreneur
Talk to people in start-ups and one of the first questions is usually about the so-called ‘lightbulb’ moment. For Cara Davies, the fitness-obsessed CEO of Steppen, it was the regular trips to the gym, but then having no real clue wh...
Season 2
Episode 25

Brae Sokolski, racehorse owner
What runs through the heart and mind of the owner of a runner in the Melbourne Cup?Brae Sokolski, the owner of race favourite Incentivise, walks Ashley Browne through what his lead-up to the 2021 Melbourne Cup race is likely to be. (Note...
Season 2
Episode 24