I just want to talk about the Bible
Everything we discuss on this podcast is in some way connected to the Scriptures and will hopefully encourage you with your walk with the Lord.
104 episodes
104. Splagchnizomai (what God's like, part 2)
Today we continue to ask the questions of, "What is God like," and, "What does He think about me and feel towards me?"Other episodes referenced in this one:Episode 24: Th...
103. Two critical questions we all must answer (What God's like, part 1)
In this episode we look at two questions and how what we believe to be the answers to those two questions will affect everything we think, feel, and do.Other episodes referenced in this one:
102. Father, forgive them
In this episode we discuss the practice of praying for those who have wronged us.Other episodes mentioned in this one:98. The abomination in the valleySc...
101. Focus on character, not circumstances
In this episode we discuss the importance of focusing on character development and not just on the circumstances we would like to see change.Scriptures referenced:Matthew 26:30-35, 39, 52-54, 56, 58, 69-75John 18:4-9Luke 22:...
100. Comfort the afflicted, and afflict the comfortable
In this episode we discuss how believers need each other.Scriptures referenced:Luke 5:15-16Mark 1:35Matthew 6:6Hebrews 10:24-25Acts 15:36-39Acts 13:13-14Proverbs 27:6Proverbs 27:17Proverbs 17:10Ja...
99. Praying the Psalms
In this episode we talk about how the Bible is a means to the end of knowing Jesus more intimately, and we look at one specific practice we can do to approach the Scriptures this way.NET footnote on Psalm 23:6 and the word "follow" (or ...
98. The abomination in the valley (Bonus Episode)
In this episode we talk about a horrific practice that took place in the history of the Hebrew people and the implications it has on us and our societies today. I would encourage anyone listening to not stop this episode halfway through, but li...
97. "Sin is crouching at the door"
In this episode we talk about how the enemy seeks to disrupt and distract us but how we are ultimately responsible.Other episodes referenced in this one:Episode 14: Our f...
96. "Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord"
In this episode we look at the importance of not taking credit for what the Lord has done, but rather giving Him the glory.Other episodes mentioned in this one:Episode 4:...
95. "But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God"
In this episode we talk about an important aspect of the Christian life that we should be engaged in each and every day.Other episodes mentioned in this one:Episode 93: Truths fr...
94. "Is anything too hard for the Lord?"
Today we look at a crucial principle from the life of Abraham that we should all seek to emulate.Other episodes referenced in this one:Episode 66: Isaacs or Ishmaels?
93. Truths from Ruth
In this episode we do a brief overview of Ruth and draw out three truths.Other episodes referenced in this one:Episode 21: "I never knew you"
92. "Little children, keep yourselves from idols"
In this episode we talk about potential idols in our lives and what to do about them.Here is the prayer I encouraged you to pray: "Lord, is my heart blameless and whole towards You, or are there rivals to you in my heart?"Script...
91. Hupomenō
In this episode we discuss the crucial role that steadfastness/endurance plays in the life of a believer.For those of you who are interested, here are some links regarding the Greek words I referenced in this episode:
90. Woe to you when all people speak well of you
In this episode we talk about the fact that we will experience opposition if we are actively following Jesus and sharing the Gospel.Other episodes referenced in this one:Episode 2...
89. Last-minute wisdom
In this episode we talk about how God gives us wisdom when we need it.Other episodes referenced in this one:Episode 83: The lie of anxiety and the grace for todayScri...
88. Feed your zeal
In this episode we talk about being zealous for the Lord. Other episodes referenced in this one:Episode 86: The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few
87. Guard your hope
In this episode we talk about the crucial importance of walking in biblical hope.Other episodes referenced in this one:Episode 21: "I never knew you"
86. The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few
In this episode we discuss the vital importance of sharing the Gospel, and we ask ourselves some difficult questions about our sharing Jesus habits.Other episodes referenced in this one:
85. Dead to sin
In this episode we take a look at Romans 6 and how to walk in freedom from sin.Other episodes referenced in this one:Episode 14: Our funeral leads to our freedom
84. Emotional self-control
Today we talk about a facet of self-control that we all need each and every day.Other episodes referenced in this one:Episode 72: A sacrifice of praise
83. The lie of anxiety and the grace for today
Today we look at what exactly it is that anxiety is trying to get us to do when it strikes and how to resist it. And we also talk about how God gives us everything we need for today.Other episodes mentioned in this one:
82. Do not despise the time in between
Today we discuss how circumstances we may see as unpleasant may actually be preparatory and how the Lord is developing humility in us.