The Water Trough- We can't make you drink, but we will make you think!

Accepting and Moving On: Can You Do It?

Ed Drozda

Even the best laid plans can fail to come to fruition. It happens to all of us all the the time, and for most of us it is quite upsetting. But it is part of life and most of the time we cause more damage by worrying about it!

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Welcome to The Water Trough, where we can't make you drink, but we will make you think. My name is Ed Drawster, the Small Business Doctor, and I'm really excited you chose to join me here as we discuss topics that are important for small business folks just like you. If you're looking for ideas, inspiration, and possibility, you've come to the right place. Join us as we take steps to help you create the healthy business that you've always wanted.

Microphone (Yeti Stereo Microphone):

Welcome back to the water trough. This is ed draws to the small business doctor, and here I am. Once again. In a place that I. Kind of said I wouldn't get into, and that is, I've taken a couple of weeks off from my podcast episodes. Admittedly, my podcast is not one of those things it's heard by thousands of people or even hundreds of people for that matter. Naturally my hope is it's heard by one person for whom it makes a difference for whom inspiration has been provided. And perhaps something has emerged that would otherwise not have emerged for that listener. But I do feel bad. About the time off. I do get caught up in things and I find myself saying, yup, I'm going to get to that today. In fact, I had three episodes started over the last three weeks. But none of them quite made it to fruition For those of us who are engaged in business activities. It's really easy to fall out of line with our expectations

Microphone (Yeti Stereo Microphone)-1:

That's just the way it is. Things happen, things change. We have to manage things as they come along and the best made plans and all that. They just don't always work out. We have to keep in mind the bigger picture. And where these little events fall into place and how they impact the bigger picture. But rather than spending time dwelling. On the fact that. We haven't met the stated. Expectation. It'd be best if we can embrace the fact. That interruptions. Happen that priorities change. That. control is not absolute. And that this is okay. Because when we are spending our time engaged in the failure to meet a certain expectation. We're depriving ourselves. Of our capability to function effectively. It's not easy for me to do this, but I'm giving myself permission. Of not meeting objectives. Now, I'm not talking about objectives, that are paramount. I'm not talking about things that absolutely have to be done. There are certain things. For which priority is established and there's no. Exception to those things. Whether it be the content or the timing in which they're done. But in many cases, I for one, find myself beating myself up over the fact that I did not meet a certain expectation. And when I reflect upon it, I realized that the expectation that I had. Well worthy. Does not warrant my., Self pity. I find that easy to do, I suppose, that comes from repeated episodes of the same thing. But there is something to be said for the comfort of acknowledging the fact that these things do happen. And rather than trying to make up for it. More importantly, to live in the moment and to. Be able to make the most out of what's happening at that time.

Microphone (Yeti Stereo Microphone)-2:

Once again. I'm not suggesting abandoning responsibility. I'm not suggesting that it's appropriate to simply let things go. Forgive ourselves. And say, oh, that's fine. Things like that, or, okay. I can do that. What I'm saying is that they do happen and that because they happen. It is appropriate. It is. Helpful. If we can simply accept the fact that they happen. And while we might strive to not repeat this over and over. We certainly can benefit from the fact. That in accepting it. We're more apt to move on quickly. And effectively.

Microphone (Yeti Stereo Microphone)-6:

This is particularly important in business. In a place where we have a significant lack of control over many factors. Things like supply chain. Employee punctuality and performance market factors, sales things of that sort.

Microphone (Yeti Stereo Microphone)-3:

And there's only so much we can do to mitigate that loss of control. If we were to honestly appraise all of the things around which we have no control. And if we determined that we've spent a large amount of time feeling poorly because of it. Then we're certainly going to find ourselves being far less productive and effective. They intended to be. That is to say. We're putting our energy in a place where it really is not going to serve us well.

Microphone (Yeti Stereo Microphone)-4:

As I look back over what I've said up until now. It sounds so straightforward. It sounds so easy. Or as I often like to say the old saying. It's not rocket science. And yet it is very difficult to accept the fact. That we don't have. Control. It's very difficult to. Acknowledge that our best made plans don't always come true. It's awkward. To admit that we couldn't achieve that, which we expected to. And in this day and age, let's face it. Everybody's talking about. Excelling at this and succeeding at that and being all these amazing things. We're setting ourselves up to believe. That we have that. Absolute perfection. Opportunity. And it really does for most of us, I'd say, practically speaking, all of us. Set us up. To feel somewhat of a sense of shame about what we can and cannot accomplish. So I'm making a commitment to myself. To work on those. I've thought about it Often throughout my life. And I know as I did before, I'll have a tough time, but I'm going to try once again. To try to acknowledge the fact that things happen. I'm going to try to. Embrace the notion. Of living more in the moment. Rather than letting the outcome of the past dictate. What. Is going to happen next. I encourage you to give it some thought, ask yourself this. Are you like me? Finding yourself? Ilities because things did not get done. Did you have that podcast for the last three weeks that you didn't get to? Are you sitting here today? Recording it and going. Boy. That really sucks. I, I failed. I should have done better. I know I could have done better. Or are you perhaps. Self-aware enough. And. Appreciative enough of your abilities and your lack of control over all things that you can dismiss this and say, that's fine. I have not neglected those things that have the most important priority. Yes. These things fell behind. But that's okay. And then having moved along like that. You effectively get up and go forward.

Microphone (Yeti Stereo Microphone)-5:

Naturally, I hope you're in the letter camp. And I hoped that at some point I will be true. I think there'll be fantastic.. A reminder that if you are interested in being a guest on my podcast, I would love to have you join me here. My contact information is available in the episode notes. And by all means, please, if you like what you've heard. I asked you to share it with your colleagues and friends. I appreciate the information, getting out there to people. I do use this as a means of getting myself in front of people. And so your efforts on my behalf will be greatly appreciated. In the meantime, this is ed draws to the small business doctor and here at the water trough, I want to wish you a healthy business.

Um, uh, Um, Uh, transcript.