The Water Trough- We can't make you drink, but we will make you think!

Culture: The Heart of A Growing Business

Ed Drozda

Culture is the sort of thing we take for granted. It exists, whether or not we sense it or understand it. It is at the core of every business, successful or not, and while our ability to manage it is limited, we had best know it well. How well do you know your business culture? Is it working for you?

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Welcome back to the water trough. This is ed draws to the small business doctor. When I say culture, what comes to mind? In a broader sense. We might think about a community culture. Or perhaps a country culture, but what about business culture? What exactly is it? And just how important is it in getting things done?

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This is culture is comprised of many things, and there are many definitions to describe what business culture is.

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I like to think of business cultures and amalgamation of the individuals working within the business, their collective values, the goals or the business, or the direction provided. By leadership. Moreover, it's a way in which the people in a business function, considering all these things. When they're all thrown together in, shall we say a big pot? In other words, cultures like a stew. The ingredients of variety of personal business. And broadly speaking, human elements are thrown into a pot and mixed together. Ideally, the result is a good tasting harmonious stew. This stew defines the day-to-day experience within a business, as well as the perception. That those outside the business will observe. Okay, fine. Maybe it's too simplistic. But I think he got the idea. Culture is an evolutionary thing. One of the best ways to think of this is through the lens of a startup company. Other than the vision and ambition of its founders, a startup as a clean slate. The same can be said for its culture. The founder has a sense of how things will look and feel how things will get done. And so on. Surely they have the right to envision it, establish the culture. For example, a business founder may envision that employee autonomy will be highly valued. This will be a founding ingredient in the company culture. The founder will take steps to foster this ingredient. And it will take root. Well, the business is small. The culture will be in a somewhat rigid state. That is the founders will be able to directly manage the culture. And we'll be able to take steps to maintain. Or to tweak it as they see fit.

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I was trying to up to meant to grow, however, and it's for that reason, the culture is a living thing.

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The founder may have intended to have a particular culture. But with the addition to more people, the culture will evolve as well. Now this doesn't mean that maintaining a culture is impossible. But it is critical to monitor the culture, to ensure that it's supporting the business effectively. What might've been appropriate. At the inception of the company. We'll no longer be effective. When that company has grown to 10, 20, a hundred people or more. There's simply not the same business at that point. And thus the culture. Is a different thing as well.

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Since culture is an amalgamation of so many components and because companies evolve and grow. Culture itself has to grow and evolve in order to be an effective agent. In helping the company to thrive.

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Because people. Our hired. Into a company. There is going to be. Repeated. It's not constant challenges. To the integrity. To the very nature. Of the culture that's in place. Once again, in a startup early on. The idea of culture. It can be formulated by the founder. And can be easily managed. And adjusted. To their satisfaction. But as more people come into a company, Culture is relaxed of a better word, diluted. More people. In a company will lead to different perspectives. On how business has done. More layers in the management of a company. We'll lead to.

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An opportunity for interpretation. Of the dictums that are forthcoming from leadership.

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All of these things, impact culture at a very fundamental level. The notion that we can maintain complete control over a culture. Over the course of time. Is somewhat misguided. We can maintain adequate control to ensure that we have a company doing what we intended to do. But the notion that we can have complete and utter control over culture. Is something that has to be. Really carefully thought through. Rather than just expecting that we're going to have the ability to control culture.

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We should consider. The importance of monitoring culture.

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Culture. Is both an intentional thing. That is, it is the creation of the founder. As well as. A means to achieve the things that we want to do. And so as the company evolves, We have to ensure that the effectiveness of the culture

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is aligned with our larger business goals.

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As I mentioned earlier, a company of one. It was a lot different than a company of a hundred or more people. And the culture that we envisioned. When it was the founding member of a company. It may just not be adequate. When there's a hundred employees, multiple layers of management. And a variety of new processes and business elements to consider. It's being open-minded and aware of how that culture is working. That is important. To some degree, because culture is comprised largely of the human element. It can take on a life of its own. Culture can become its own. Entity. Even though we think we're exerting. Control over it. It can take off in directions that we might not have anticipated. That's not a bad thing in and of itself. Again, It's important that we maintain vigilance. Perhaps The founder's idea of what. the culture should be. Has changed. And. If it's a matter of holding onto it because I wanted it that way in the beginning. That is not the right way to look at things. It's important to consider the culture. Is a. Synergistic factor in our success. In fact, it's absolutely critical in our success. It is necessary. That we make sure that it's aligned. With what we're looking to accomplish. If that means letting go of our preconceived notion of how it looks. So be it. We have to let it go. We have to move forward from there. And accept that things have changed.

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In our next episode, I'd like to discuss. The importance of culture. In business success, and why it's so important that we maintain that diligence about the effectiveness of our culture. In our work performance. Until next time. This is ed draws to the small business doctor. From the water trough. I want to wish you a healthy business.

Um, uh, Um, Uh, transcript.