The Water Trough- We can't make you drink, but we will make you think!

Synergy Starts Here: Crafting Business Culture

Ed Drozda

Culture is the glue that supports the formation of synergy, in the workplace. I don't need to tell you how important synergy in the workplace is. Without it, we'd have a really difficult time getting things done effectively. If at all.

Welcome to The Water Trough, where we can't make you drink, but we will make you think. My name is Ed Drawster, the Small Business Doctor, and I'm really excited you chose to join me here as we discuss topics that are important for small business folks just like you. If you're looking for ideas, inspiration, and possibility, you've come to the right place. Join us as we take steps to help you create the healthy business that you've always wanted.

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Hi, this is a draws to the small business doctor. And I want to walk you back to the water trough. In a previous episode, I talked about business culture and today I want to continue that conversation. And

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talk a bit more about the importance of business culture. And how it is critical that managers and leaders. R a driving force. Not only behind the culture itself. But in being diligent about the culture. As it evolves. Let's start again by describing what business culture is. Culture has been studied exhaustively. And it's a complex concept.

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Viewed simply business culture is an amalgamation of people, processes and goals. It's fashioned after the expectation and goals of leaders within a business. And practice business culture is how these things come together. To form the way that business is conducted. And culture is the glue that supports the formation of synergy. In the workplace. And I don't need to tell you how important synergy in the workplace is without it. We'd have a really difficult time getting things done effectively. But while culture exists within a business. The importance of it can be realized outside the business as well. In fact. The culture within a business. Is very, important to the outside world. A culture that is perceived as healthy. Or positive bolsters the business reputation in the eyes of the public. It can improve sales momentum. It can boost support from finance, Sears, and banks. Moreover prospective employees are more likely to seek positions with a company that has a positive and healthy culture. Then those who do not. Outsiders looking upon. Uh, negative, hostile culture. Are less inclined to want to do business with these folks. It doesn't take much to imagine how significant that can be. So that which might be thought of as the property. Of the business itself. Really does make a big difference. On the outside. I believe the most critical element of business culture lies. In the relationship between a company's employees and its culture. Employees are a very big chunk of the culture. Culture and human resources are critical. And creating a path to business success. And so it's essential that managers are fully aware of how these things interact.

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The evolution of culture within a business is dependent upon the changing expectations of the business. As well as with the growing population of employees. It's perfectly fine. Culture was never meant to be static It's expected that it will evolve. It has to evolve. And because the employees are such a significant part of the business culture. They will have a profound impact on the evolution. Of culture.

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Culture within a business has a profound impact on employees. And for the most part, we do a really good job of monitoring and assessing. The way the culture affects our employees.

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For example, we look for effects on performance and comradery. We look at the culture and say, is this working? Is it inspiring? Our employees? Is it giving them the environment that they need to work in and to get things done according to our. Overarching plans and expectations. what is often overlooked and I believe under appreciated

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is how employees impact the business culture itself.

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The all the elements that comprise the business culture. Employees are the most dynamic. They're the greatest. Variable.

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Each person is unique. As are their interactions, their influences and their potential. For this reason. The culture is adapting to the employees. Much as the employees are adapting to the culture. This living vibrant environment. Is something over which managers must be attentive. It's not just a matter of having a good culture.

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It's a matter of knowing how the culture. And the human resources within it. Are working together, how they're interacting. Uh, in order to achieve the goals that you have set for the business.

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We've all heard the old saying it took on a life of its own. And so it is with culture. As well as the people within the culture of a business. Culture evolves. Sometimes it's not even clear that it's happening. In small and quiet places, little pockets of employees have chosen to take a different path. And subtly. And eventually, otherwise can have a profound impact on the culture within the business. This is why it's critical. That managers are attentive. To culture. Putting your ear to the ground. Talking to your employees, sensing how they interpret what's going on with the business. Knowing that they are clear on the goals, the needs and expectations of the company. It's not simply enough to put it out there and say, welcome to the business. Here's our culture have at it.

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It's an ongoing process that managers have to play an active role in surveillance. And participation is essential. As we can see. Culture is critical in any business. It is a major component of the business environment. And ultimately of the way in which business is conducted and the way things are getting done.

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It really comes down to the fact that culture and human resources are inseparable. Because things get done in a business through people.

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And so if we, as managers and leaders are not attentive to the business culture and how it's impacting our employees, As well as how our employees are impacting the culture. We stand the very real risk of losing control..

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We stand the very real risk. Of losing the integrity of the business. Needless to say. That is not the goal of any business leader or manager.

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So to bring us full circle here. We've explored culture in a business. We've explored the relationship between culture and the employees within the business. We're left with this lesson for managers and leaders.

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It's important that we are attentive to and aware of our culture as well as its impact upon our business and employees. And we have to understand. The impact of our employees and business upon the culture as well.

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It sounds like a complex task. And, you know, fairness, it really isn't that complex. It doesn't require us to step outside of our typical managerial role.

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It requires that we're aware of the folks that are working with us. We have the answers.

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They have the information. They have. The things that we need. To be able to capitalize upon the culture. Human resource relationship. So my challenge to you. Is that you will be. Openly aware. Listening attentively to your employees. And assessing the environment in such a way. As to give your business. The absolute best chance that you can have to succeed. Once again, I'd like to remind you. If you enjoy this episode, please share it. And if you're interested in being a guest on my show, I'd be excited to talk to you about that as well. Please reach out to me and we can discuss that further. In the meantime. This is ed draws with a small business doctor. And here at the water trough. I want to wish you a healthy business.

It's um, uh, Uh, transcript.