Disrupting Burnout

Chapter 11: Living in Brilliance (Disrupting Burnout by Dr. Patrice Buckner Jackson)

April 05, 2024 Dr. Patrice Buckner Jackson
đź”’ Chapter 11: Living in Brilliance (Disrupting Burnout by Dr. Patrice Buckner Jackson)
Disrupting Burnout
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Disrupting Burnout
Chapter 11: Living in Brilliance (Disrupting Burnout by Dr. Patrice Buckner Jackson)
Apr 05, 2024
Dr. Patrice Buckner Jackson

Subscriber-only episode

Hey Friend! I would love to hear from you. Send us a text message. (If you need a response from us, please email at connect@disruptingburnout.com)

When burnout forced me to step down from an executive role, I never imagined the void would lead me to unearth my true calling. This episode is a candid exploration of my journey through career devastation, self-discovery, and the surprising joy found in new beginnings. I delve into the emotional rollercoaster of leaving a fulfilling position due to burnout, the dark days of feeling blackballed in the industry, and how these tribulations paved the way for an inspiring redirection towards a dream I had long harbored: becoming a speaker. With no clear path in sight, I share how faith, intuition, and the support of unexpected allies helped me navigate the uncharted waters, leading me to a role that allowed my talents to shine, even in the face of global uncertainty.

The narrative takes a heartfelt turn when I reveal the struggle of leaving something good for the promise of something greater. I discuss the importance of listening to life's timing, not overstaying your welcome in any role, and the spiritual nudges that urged me to leap. It's a tale of transition—a testament to the belief that greater fulfillment awaits beyond the comfort zone. By sharing my story, I hope to illuminate the path for others wrestling with similar crossroads and to underscore the value of embracing life's seasons with an open heart.

Joining me is Tim Ross, host of the explosively successful podcast "The Basement," whose journey from pastoring within church walls to fostering a global community from his living room acts as a beacon of divine favor and authenticity. We discuss the incredible impact of genuine connection, the power of obediently following one's calling over the hustle, and how to trust in the divine when charting new territories. In a world that often prizes control and predictability, this episode serves as a reminder that life's true brilliance can emerge in the most unexpected ways when we surrender to the possibilities that lie ahead.

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Subscriber-only episode

Hey Friend! I would love to hear from you. Send us a text message. (If you need a response from us, please email at connect@disruptingburnout.com)

When burnout forced me to step down from an executive role, I never imagined the void would lead me to unearth my true calling. This episode is a candid exploration of my journey through career devastation, self-discovery, and the surprising joy found in new beginnings. I delve into the emotional rollercoaster of leaving a fulfilling position due to burnout, the dark days of feeling blackballed in the industry, and how these tribulations paved the way for an inspiring redirection towards a dream I had long harbored: becoming a speaker. With no clear path in sight, I share how faith, intuition, and the support of unexpected allies helped me navigate the uncharted waters, leading me to a role that allowed my talents to shine, even in the face of global uncertainty.

The narrative takes a heartfelt turn when I reveal the struggle of leaving something good for the promise of something greater. I discuss the importance of listening to life's timing, not overstaying your welcome in any role, and the spiritual nudges that urged me to leap. It's a tale of transition—a testament to the belief that greater fulfillment awaits beyond the comfort zone. By sharing my story, I hope to illuminate the path for others wrestling with similar crossroads and to underscore the value of embracing life's seasons with an open heart.

Joining me is Tim Ross, host of the explosively successful podcast "The Basement," whose journey from pastoring within church walls to fostering a global community from his living room acts as a beacon of divine favor and authenticity. We discuss the incredible impact of genuine connection, the power of obediently following one's calling over the hustle, and how to trust in the divine when charting new territories. In a world that often prizes control and predictability, this episode serves as a reminder that life's true brilliance can emerge in the most unexpected ways when we surrender to the possibilities that lie ahead.

Upgrade to Premium Membership to access the Disrupting Burnout audiobook and other bonus content: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1213895/supporters/new

Speaker 1:

Chapter 11, living in Brilliance. After leaving my executive position in August 2019 due to burnout, I spent five months at home with no job. Those months offered me a gift I had time to think and dream like never before. During those five months, god spoke to me concerning the next season of my life. I'd always held a dream in my heart to travel and speak, but I assumed this dream was unrealistic. Until then, I'd limited the thought to maybe one day after retirement maybe one day after retirement. Burnout, however, caused me to surrender. I surrendered the plans I had for my life in exchange for God's plan. I surrendered my expectations for my career to grab hold of purpose and I surrendered my fear of what other people might think of me. That last one is a stronghold. I continue to surrender every day.

Speaker 1:

One of the factors that pushed me further into surrender was the consequences of leaving my job with no notice. As soon as word got out that I was available for hire, calls started coming in. Universities in my state were interested in hiring me. However, it wasn't long before the calls trailed away to nothing. Several administrators reached out with great excitement at first, and then I never heard from them again. In speaking with some leaders in my field, I learned I had been blackballed. A trusted source told me anyone in the state with any intention or interest in hiring me was quickly instructed that they were not to hire me by any means. Even folks I'd once considered mentors no longer took my calls. It wasn't fair, but I understood why. All those people were fearful for their own jobs. Advocating for me was a risk they were not willing to take. I know my career field and I know the way I left is considered unacceptable. So I wasn't angry, but I was concerned for my future. What am I supposed to do now? Did I just ruin my entire life? Did I lose everything I worked so hard to build over the last 20 years? I was forced to think outside of the box and consider if I could do something different. For the first time in my adult life, I was open to anything. This was my crisis of brilliance.

Speaker 1:

During this time of surrender, god stirred up my dream of becoming a full-time speaker. I remembered a prophecy I'd received when I was a child that I would speak all over the world. The prophet said people would be drawn to the love of Christ by my smile. Suddenly, I could imagine myself traveling and speaking all over the country. I had no idea where to start, but this dream would not leave me alone. I built a website and created a mission statement. At that point I had no idea what I would speak about, but that website became my dream board. I tweaked and edited and tested ideas through it. Before long I began recording videos on my phone and writing blogs.

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I honestly didn't think it was worth much at the time. I was just doing what I felt in my heart I was supposed to do, just doing the next thing. I trusted God to lead me to where I was supposed to be next. There's an old saying that you never know. God is all you need until God is all you have. This is my testimony. I felt like I had this little dream lying dormant in a dusty corner of my heart and during this time of reflection, god pulled that dream out of its hiding spot and doused it with passion fuel and it began to blaze. I wrote everything I heard and saw. It didn't make much sense at the time, but when I look at those notes now, I can see how God brought it all together. The more time I spent in prayer, therapy and coaching, the clearer my brilliance became. There was no doubt in my mind that I am created to support people and teams through their crises. I just didn't know what to do with this brilliance. I reminded myself that God is my source and any job or business he gives me is a resource. I renewed my trust in my source and he came through in a major way.

Speaker 1:

Prior to my leaving my VP position in August 2019, edward felt a need for us to save money. He's naturally a saver, but this was something different. He felt like we needed to be extravagant in our savings. I assumed this may be for a future dream home, so I agreed, although reluctantly at times. I'm so glad I listened. The money we saved in those 10 months leading up to my resignation carried us until I received my first paycheck from my next full-time position in January 2020. We had just enough left to move to a new city and rent an apartment.

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When I received the offer letter. I was determined to give my best to this new position. Leadership had put their own names on the line to hire me. When others ran away, these leaders spoke up for me and pushed back against negative talk about me. Remember the president who I told I was born for this. In the middle of that crisis, he remembered. He remembered my work prior to that August day in 2019 and supported his team in hiring me, regardless of what anyone had to say. I'm grateful for people who remember. In my new position, I served as associate vice president for student affairs. I surrendered the executive cabinet position to embrace a middle leadership position where my brilliance could shine. In this new role, I had daily contact with students, direct responsibility for training and coaching staff and extensive crisis management responsibilities. Oh, and let us not forget the time frame.

Speaker 1:

I went back to work in January 2020, right before the pandemic hit the US. Friend. If I knew then what I know now, I might have stayed home just a little bit longer. During my interview for the new position, I had the opportunity to give a presentation on my background, my leadership style and my vision for the work. I described my brilliance and told the room full of evaluators if this is not what you need, I am not your candidate Friend. I needed that job.

Speaker 1:

Our savings were almost dried up, but I was too aware of my brilliance by then to compromise. In addition to my full-time work, I also became a part-time speaker for a global leadership firm. This allowed me to travel to other universities to facilitate leadership training. I was completely in my element. I loved my work and the people I worked with. Yes, the pandemic caused much heartache and many challenges, but I was ready for it. The work demands were greater and the pressure increased, but I had changed. I knew the value I brought to the team and I showed up in my brilliance. Every day, I was living in my brilliance. Every day, I was living in my brilliance.

Speaker 1:

Living in brilliance means you have identified your God-given purpose and you're learning how to walk in it. In this season, you begin taking baby steps to follow your purpose and, as a result, you begin to see your positive impact in the lives of others. Your vision for the life you were created to live becomes clearer and you experience fulfillment in knowing you are right where you're created to be. People start to recognize your value and call on you for help that aligns with your brilliance. You notice brilliance flowing freely in multiple areas of your life and you begin to consistently show up in full authenticity, without concern for the opinions of others. The goal is to end each day knowing you did exactly what you were created to do. In living in brilliance, you know your impact is divine and you know where that power comes from.

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Brilliance calls Edward and I knew in our hearts I wouldn't be in my new AVP position very long, but we had no idea my time there would be as short as it was In our minds. I'd be in the role for at least five years, and probably more. We expected I would be there long enough to accomplish major goals for the institution and to build a foundation for the business God had placed in my heart. This dream was alive and I could no longer ignore it. So I resolved to serve well in my full-time job while building my business after hours. Even in my hiring negotiations, I ensured I'd be supported in working with the leadership firm and accepting invitations to speak for my business as they came my way.

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About two years into my new position, I felt transition coming. It felt like emotional and spiritual pressure squeezing me out of my position. I found myself having to sacrifice opportunities to pursue this dream because my full-time job required extensive time and attention. I found myself conflicted between my love for my work and the calling to do more. I found myself losing passion for the work and gaining passion for my next season. I wrestled within myself as I attempted to ignore the sense that transition was on the way. This felt too soon. What would people think? What would they say? What about my students? What about my team? These leaders believed in me when no one else would. I felt like I owed them.

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I came to my senses when I remembered my experience from 2019. That burnout experience taught me to never overstay my welcome again. I was not willing to push through until I could no longer take the internal pressure. I would never hold on too long again. I was not willing to burn out again due to disobedience. So I prayed to God, asking him to speak to my heart. God, I will trust you better this time. Tell me what you want me to do.

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After an especially challenging day at work, my prayer became more specific God, I cannot continue to do both. I must be all in at work or all in with this dream. I feel split between two worlds. I can no longer be caught between the two. I will do whatever you tell me to do. If you tell me to stay at work, I will let the dream go until it's time for it. If you tell me to go all in on the dream. I will sacrifice my job. I trust you. Speak, lord, your servant is listening. Well, he didn't take long to speak.

Speaker 1:

The very next day I received two calls from two different groups of people. One call was an invitation to be the keynote speaker at a regional conference in Texas. The other call was an opportunity to provide leadership training for a healthcare organization in my state. I hadn't pitched myself or requested either invitation. Honestly, for one of them I had no idea how they'd found me. Each invitation offered my monthly salary as an honorarium for the work. Say no more. I went from speaking for free to making my monthly executive salary in one day of work More than the money.

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I had a supernatural peace I hadn't experienced in months. I knew it was time to leap. There was no doubt in my mind that the time had come to go all in. I had a message to share and people were ready to hear it. Brilliance was calling and I had to answer. Pursuit is inevitable. After discovering your brilliance, there's no need for over-performing. The holy conflict created in your soul will push you towards brilliance. You must answer the call to remain at peace.

Speaker 1:

Grief is a part of the process. The grieving process began shortly after I received those calls, in August 2021, as we prepared to move the freshman class of students into the residence halls, I was overcome with grief early on the first day of move-in, to make sure we were set and ready to welcome our new students and their families. As I pulled into the parking space, an overwhelming grief filled my heart. I wept All of a sudden. I knew this would be my last freshman move-in. I hadn't told anyone yet, but I knew without a doubt I would never do this work again. For more than 20 years of my life I'd had some role in welcoming new students to college and in that moment I felt that chapter closing I was wrecked. I didn't weep because I didn't trust God. I didn't weep because I was concerned for my future. I wept because I truly loved the work. I had poured my heart and soul into college students for my entire adult life and it was time to do something different. The weeping didn't end with freshmen moving. I cried when I told my boss. Tears fell as I told my team. My voice broke every time I made the announcement of my resignation to a group of students. I wept on my last day as I facilitated my last commencement ceremony. My last commencement ceremony. I wept as I drove away from that event.

Speaker 1:

As excited as I was for my next season, my heart grieved, leaving what I loved so deeply for so long. And, if I'm honest, friend, I can still feel that grief right now. I love what I do oh, this is a spoonful of PBJ, by the way. I love my work and I wouldn't go back. I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, but I also loved what I did. And leaving one for the other doesn't mean the former was wrong. It just means your season has changed. Let's keep going. It's one thing to give up something that's hurting you. It's logical to walk out of a bad situation. However, giving up something that seems to be working is a tall order. The salary was good. My team was great. The work was in alignment with my brilliance. It was good enough, but I knew there was more. Purpose will require you to surrender. Good enough to walk into destiny. In episode 82 of Disrupting Burnout, obedience is the success.

Speaker 1:

I speak with Shamanique Brown about her transition from an educator for over 18 years to working full-time at her church. Shamanique shares how she served at the same school, from her internship through all the years of her career. She even had the same classroom she had interned in. God told her 2022 would be her last year teaching and her heart grieved at the thought of leaving her students and her team. Her heart was broken as she submitted her resignation letter and walked through the process of moving on. However, just as I experienced, after a season of grieving, joy came. Not only did God allow Shamanique to use her experience and education to impact his kingdom, but he has honored her secret petition to become a singer by allowing her to minister internationally with forward city worship.

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God will never require you to give something without returning more to you than you gave. Trust him in the grief. He promised to give joy in exchange for your mourning Isaiah 61 and 3. Friend, allow me to pause for a moment here to let you know you're exactly where you need to be. Grief is a place where all of us think about walking away from brilliance. As old mindsets are stripped away and you get to the core of your brilliance, you may experience a conflict of the soul. There will be moments when you feel the weight of grief, but at the same time, you know you're going to be okay. You may be weeping and encouraged at the same time. You may feel heavy and have great expectations at the same time. More than one thing can be true. But this season may be confusing if you're not clear about what's happening. Surrender to the grief. Your brilliance is going to shine forth like never before.

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I want you to close your eyes and see yourself busting through the old season and emerging into new light. Your life will never be the same. That can be scary and exciting. Allow yourself to hold space for both emotions. You know too much now to remain in a stuck place. You've been exposed to too much. You know too much about you now. You know too much about your purpose to be satisfied with complacency. Surrender If you need to cry. Cry If you need to talk. Find a good listening ear and talk. Pay a therapist if you need to. There is nothing to accomplish at this moment. There's no action step except to surrender. You are in a beautiful place. Find the beauty through the grief, disappointing your people.

Speaker 1:

In my journey through brilliance, I've had opportunities to practice disappointing people. Although this is still a growth area for me, I understand it's necessary to choose brilliance over the desires of others. This includes people I love deeply. Every yes to God caused me to disappoint someone I care about. Pursuing the will of God caused me to leave family and my hometown to move halfway across the country. I'm not as accessible to people as they would like me to be now that I'm so focused on my brilliance. Leaving a job disappointed my leadership staff and students. Moving to a new city disappointed loved ones and community members. Resigning from a ministry assignment disappointed church leadership and the people I ministered to through that ministry. I discovered at one point my primary obstacle to obeying God quickly and completely was people pleasing. It breaks my heart when I feel I'm disappointing someone. However, choosing the desires of another person over God's desires for me is idolatry, and I will not bow to idols. I have tasted and seen that living in brilliance is worth the sacrifice. I have also experienced how people who love me adjust to support me and those who are not meant to continue the journey with me eventually fall away.

Speaker 1:

Trust God enough to obey him in your steps through brilliance, even when your people don't understand. Give him your heart and he will protect your reputation. Rest and pursue. Pursuing brilliance does not mean hustling and grinding. God does not need you to create brilliance. He is the creator. He just needs you to agree with his thoughts about you. In pursuit of brilliance, you will remain at peace. You will remain at rest. Pursue means to take the steps ordered for you by the Lord Psalm 37, verses 23 through 24. Pursue means to hear God's instructions for your brilliance and take steps of faith as he leads you. You do not have to fight to be seen or recognized. Forget the algorithms of social media or trying to impress people.

Speaker 1:

I used to struggle with what it means to rest and work. This concept felt like an unsolvable contradiction. I learned to rest and work means to follow God's instructions from a place of peace. Do not get ahead of him and do not fall into striving Trust. He has everything you need planned out, even when you cannot see it. Rest in him and walk with him. God will bring you into your land of plenty and everything you need will be there upon arrival. Your only work is to obey his instructions step by step.

Speaker 1:

Edward was the first person I told when I knew it was time for me to transition out of the AVP role. He wasn't trying to hear it at first. He thought my ambition was getting the best of me. This announcement didn't fit the timeline we'd agreed upon, so he dismissed it for a few weeks. He didn't take me seriously until I came home one day and said babe, I wrote my resignation letter today. His response is still hilarious to me today. Now, wait a minute, we need to talk about this. I hadn't submitted the resignation yet, but I'd felt compelled to write the letter that day. I did not allow myself to become anxious about his response. I was determined not to badger him about my next move. I decided to rest in what God has said. I decided if I had truly heard from God, then God would also tell my husband. And he did.

Speaker 1:

Edward came to me a few days later with tears in his eyes. He explained how he had been awake most of the night. God had brought his attention to a sermon Edward had written a couple of years earlier but never preached publicly. In the sermon called Step into the Water, edward wrote how the children of Israel crossed more than one body of water before walking into their promised land. I've always heard preachers talk about them crossing the Red Sea on dry ground, with Pharaoh and the Egyptian army pursuing them from Exodus 14. But in Joshua 3 and 4, we learned they also crossed the Jordan River without drowning. As he read the sermon notes, edward knew God was saying it was time for us to cross again. He knew it was time for me to transition into full-time entrepreneurship.

Speaker 1:

After that night, edward became more convinced than I was when I told him I wanted to give a couple months notice. He tried to convince me to give less. He was so sure about what God said. He was ready to jump in Without any pressure from me. God spoke to my husband in a way only he can.

Speaker 1:

I didn't have a plan for next steps when I submitted my letter of resignation. I just knew the Lord said to end this position before the end of the year. I had the two invitations I mentioned earlier to look forward to, but there had to be more to sustain us. Once again, I was leaving a six-figure salary to walk into the unknown. At least I give a notice this time. I prayed about when I should submit the letter to my supervisor and I honored the instruction I heard.

Speaker 1:

I fumbled through the conversation with her because I honestly didn't know what to say. Normally we would tell the person our reasons for leaving and what we plan to do next. Well, I didn't have a plan to share and I wasn't sure she would understand. God told me to. God provided. Even in that moment, as I fumbled through my explanation, we were interrupted by a medical emergency on campus. We immediately left that conversation to support the emergency efforts. Everything ended up okay and I didn't have to continue rambling. Praise the Lord, y'all. The person was okay, all right, everybody's fine. One week later, I got a call from an organization I was familiar with. I wasn't sure how they knew I had resigned, since the email notification to my campus had just been sent. In short, that organization brought me on to serve them for the first seven months of the next year. After obeying God to submit my resignation, I went from no plan to securing a seven-month contract within a matter of one week. God provides for brilliance.

Speaker 1:

Tim Ross at Upset the Gram on Instagram. Former pastor of Embassy City Church and creator and host of the podcast the Basement with. Tim Ross transitioned from lead pastor to podcast host in 2022. On several episodes of his podcast, tim shares how God instructed him to release his role as lead pastor of the church he founded after seven years of pastoring and to transition the church to a younger minister. Tim Rivers the church to a younger minister, tim Rivers. Tim Ross told how this call to transition felt sudden and out of timing, but he and his wife Juliet obeyed the voice of the Lord. In his sermon, qualified to Multiply, tim declared the church has grown exponentially with Tim Rivers in leadership. He also shared how God led him to podcasting, an area in which he had no experience At the time of this writing.

Speaker 1:

The Basement has over 225,000 subscribers on YouTube after only a few months of existence YouTube after only a few months of existence. This number does not account for the tens of thousands of audio downloads. On April 3rd 2023, hector Guerrero, the podcast manager for the Basement with Tim Ross, posted quote no marketing, no strategy, no overachieving in posting. The power in dialogue, organic word of mouth sharing and God being in the algorithm has been the game changer for us. End quote. Tim Ross went from reaching hundreds within his church walls to reaching hundreds of thousands by pursuing his brilliance. To reaching hundreds of thousands by pursuing his brilliance. He went from a massive travel schedule and juggling pastor responsibilities to podcasting unscripted from his living room. God took the same brilliance Tim used to pastor, mentor and coach individuals and couples through his years of ministry and put that brilliance on a platform where Tim is reaching the masses and his family is well cared for, with less effort from Tim. God does not need your hustle, he just desires your obedience. Here's one more example of God's provision.

Speaker 1:

In my transition, the piece I grieved the most of all was my regular connection to students. I love college students and I recognize the sacredness of this season in their lives. One of my greatest honors has been walking with them through this special time. Well, god has a way of working all things together for good. During my transition, our pastor spoke with me about creating a campus ministry connected to our church. We launched that ministry.

Speaker 1:

Two months after my last day on the job, god returned to me the part of the job I would miss the most. He proved I don't need a special title or specific job to minister to college students. My job was just one avenue, but God proved he has many avenues for brilliance, to flourish. Rest he's got this. Rest it will be better than you can ask, think or imagine. Rest, he does not miss any detail. Rest the father loves you and knows what you need. Rest he created you for the brilliance and the brilliance for you. Rest and live in brilliance, a lifestyle of release. Get used to living with your hands open. Living in brilliance means trusting God enough for him to give and take away as he sees fit.

Speaker 1:

I assumed my sacrificing season was over after walking away from my 20-year career due to burnout and later giving up another six-figure salary. When I transitioned out of the AVP role, I just knew I had passed the sacrifice test in heaven. I was wrong. There was more to release. During my five months out of work in 2019, I got an opportunity to work with the wonderful international leadership training firm I mentioned earlier. At first, I loved the work because it was so aligned with my passions for speaking and training. It was also helpful that the stipends assisted in our financial recovery when we needed it the most.

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In fall 2022, however, I began to feel differently about the work. Although I love the work and the people connected to this agency, something about this particular assignment just did not feel right anymore. It's interesting how something that was the answer to prayer in one season can be the thing that holds you back in a different season. I didn't understand why I was feeling this way, but I couldn't ignore it. In prayer, I asked God what he was trying to tell me. He clearly said I was to release this assignment. I was heartbroken at the thought of losing these people, these opportunities and, honestly, this income. But I knew what he'd said. I was in the middle of projects and felt my professionalism would be questioned again, but God had spoken. I must admit I was very reluctant and held on much longer than I should have, but eventually I told my dear friend who brought me into the company that I needed to step away from the work. They replaced me in my projects quickly, but they didn't understand why I needed to let go.

Speaker 1:

People will not always understand what God has told you to do. His instructions rarely align with the human culture and wisdom. Trust him, he is aware of your needs and will meet them in his own way. I had more letting go to do. Remember how kind God was when he allowed Edward and me to launch a college ministry so I could remain connected to college students. Yep, I had to give that up too. He allowed us to walk with those young adults for about a year and a half building a foundation for the ministry, and then he released us from those responsibilities. We both prayed and fasted and we felt strongly we needed to get out of the way so the ministry could go to the next level. We were even more secure after the peace we experienced when we told our pastor and the young adults we worked with.

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This transition was not without tears. It broke my heart to release them, but if I've learned anything about God, I know his will is perfect. The call to release does not mean you got it wrong. When I felt the call to release my AVP position after only two years, I wondered if I'd made the wrong decision in taking the job in the first place. I wondered if this new call to leave the university was a correction because I had missed God's original instruction. Now I can see I heard correctly both times. It was a call of brilliance for me to take that job in January 2020 as the pandemic loomed in our future. My specific brilliance in crisis management was needed in that place as we cared for our students, navigated changing mandates and held space for fear and uncertainty. It was also no coincidence that, as the university transitioned into a new sense of normal, god sent me to my next crisis assignment to coach and support professional women through burnout. Something that was right for you in one season may be wrong for you. Now you didn't get it wrong. You're just being called to transition.

Speaker 1:

Living in brilliance requires a constant willingness to release and respond to the new call. You can trust his plan and surrender to the transition. More than any accomplishment I've ever enjoyed. Sacrificing back to God the gifts he's given me and watching how he responds has created the most powerful and precious memories of my life. I am convinced this book would not have been written if I hadn't obeyed God's instruction to release the leadership company and the college ministry. Not only did my schedule open for writing time, but my mind and heart opened to hear what he would have me share with you here. I had more space to spend time with him to see what he would say to us here in this book. God will never require something from us that he does not multiply and return in the most beautiful way.

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Luke 6 and 38 says Give and you shall receive. Your gift will return to you in full, pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back. In church we often use the scripture to talk about money, but really. Christ was encouraging us to be compassionate and forgiving, avoiding judgment, because whatever you give to others will overflow back to you. In the same way, whatever you give to God will return to you in full and overflowing. You can trust him. If we, as faulty human beings, know how to care well for our children, how much more can we trust our Heavenly Father to give us what we need when we need it? Matthew 7 and 11. Stir up the gift. Live in brilliance by fanning the flames of your passions.

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Paul begins his second letter to Timothy in the New Testament with an exhortation and instruction 2 Timothy, chapter 1. Paul applauds Timothy for his great faith. It's the same faith Paul saw in Timothy's grandmother Lois and his mother Eunice. Paul acknowledges Timothy's powerful legacy as well as his own fortitude and faith. And as a result of this great faith, paul instructs Timothy to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you.

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Second Timothy, 1 and 6. You may be more familiar with the language of the King James Version of the Bible, which says to stir up the gift of God. Paul acknowledged Timothy had a gift and helped him understand that gift needs to be stirred and stoked like a fire to thrive. Often 2 Timothy 1 and 6 is quoted alone, but it makes so much more sense in context. After telling Timothy to stir up the gift, paul admonishes him, for God has not given us the spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1 and 7.

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Paul never said fear is not real. He also did not say fear is a sin. Paul didn't pretend Timothy wouldn't experience fear as he obeyed God and his brilliance. This was just a reminder that fear of stepping out into brilliance does not come from God. Honor the emotion, but do not allow fear to determine your action. Our Heavenly Father does not give us fear, and I don't know about you, but if he didn't give it to me, I don't want it. Instead of fear, our God gives us power, love and self-discipline. These are the spiritual ingredients to your brilliance.

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The word power in this verse in the original Greek language of the New Testament is the word dunamis. It is the root word for our English term dynamite. Dunamis means the following strength, power, ability, inherent power, power residing in a thing by virtue of its nature, or which a person or thing exerts and puts forth moral power and excellence of soul. The power and influence that comes from riches and wealth. Power and resources arising from numbers. Power consisting of or resting upon armies, forces, hosts. Synonyms of dunamis include force, effectiveness, might and natural ability.

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Friend, do you realize how powerful you are? You can change the entire course of a meeting, interaction, negotiation, agreement, crisis or conversation just by showing up in your brilliance. There's an explosion of power when you live in brilliance. The power of Holy Spirit shows up when you show up. There is a lasting impact on people when you operate in brilliance. Whether you are called to the home, church, schools, healthcare, corporate arena, military or any other industry, you should leave a powerfully positive impression. Everywhere you go, people should feel something after encountering you. They may not know what to call it, but they will know something special occurred in and around them when you were in the room.

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Love is the fountain from which your brilliance flows. Living in your brilliance is not always convenient or comfortable. There will be many days when you don't feel adequate or compelled to show up. Love causes us to serve when we ourselves need to be served. Love for God and love for his people keep us actively living in our brilliance. Even in brilliance, there will be moments when you just don't want to do whatever you need to do, you show up because of love, you serve because of love, you minister because of love. Love does not mean you overwork or return to overwhelm, but it does mean you do the thing that brings glory to God. Brilliance is going to cost you something, and love is the account you draw from to pay the cost. Love is the account you draw from to pay the cost.

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God taught us to keep love first, as he sacrificed his first and only begotten son so we may return to the right relationship with him. John 3 and 16. He loved first. Therefore, we love First. Corinthians 13 and verse 13 reminds us three things will last forever faith, hope and love, and the greatest of these is love.

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I love the way the Amplified version of the Bible defines self-discipline. The Amplified Translation of the Bible shares 2 Timothy 1 and 7 in this way For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but he has given us a spirit of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline, abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control. This verse gives a clear picture of God's expectation for the state of our souls calm, well-balanced and controlled. Culture has created an idol of purpose that tells us we must be booked and busy and hashtag team no sleep. That is not brilliance, friend. That life is reckless and out of control.

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Our heavenly father calls us to calm, a well-balanced mind and self-control. Here's the good news you don't have to achieve this alone. God gives us what we need to live in this state of calm and discipline. Our job is to fall more deeply in love with him, so his characteristics shine through our lives. Brilliance is not booked and busy. Brilliance is not constantly chasing the next thing.

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Your brilliance is full of power, love and self-discipline, positioned to obey. Obedience is the primary thing, and you must be positioned to obey. You cannot obey God if you cannot hear him. You cannot hear him if you are not in relationship with him. Please allow me to offer a word for those who may struggle to hear God's voice First. Do not struggle. God wants you to hear him so you don't have to strive or fight. He desires you to walk with him daily, just as the disciples walked with Jesus. The way to develop such a relationship with the Father is through spiritual disciplines, practices, relationships and experiences that lead to us encountering God and growing in Him.

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Adele Alberg Calhoun, author of Spiritual Disciplines Handbook, says spiritual disciplines give us space in our lives to spend time with our Savior. Spiritual disciplines include prayer, gratitude, worship, giving, serving, fasting and studying the word of God, to name a few. Do not be overwhelmed by that list. Start small. God is patient. He is not impressed by piety, he just desires your love.

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The cool thing about spiritual disciplines is the more you practice, the more you crave. At one time I couldn't stay awake to say a decent prayer. Now I pray all day long through my devotion time, breath, prayer and prayer walks. At one point in my life scripture was confusing and boring to me. Now I consume it like soul food. This maturity didn't come because I'm so good. My hunger for him grew because as I took steps towards him, he took steps towards me. Now I can't get enough. You're blessed when you've worked up a good appetite for God. He's food and drink in the best meal you'll ever eat. Matthew 4 and 6, the message translation God meets you at your desire. As a matter of fact, the urging you have to be closer to him is proof that God is working in your heart. You wouldn't want more of God if the Holy Spirit wasn't first seeking you For a comprehensive resource on spiritual disciplines. Refer to Spiritual Disciplines Handbook Practices that Transform Us by Adele Alberg Calhoun.

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The foundation of living in brilliance is obedience to the God who made you. He crafted you specifically for the life he called you to live, and the only way to achieve that life is through your daily journey with him. To achieve that life is through your daily journey with him. Fighting, striving and hustling lead us to the throes of burnout. Obedience releases us to live fully in brilliance. Do the hard work.

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Write the vision. What do you think about when you imagine your perfect life? If money and time were not an issue and you were living 100% in God's will for your life, what would that look like? Write the vision and give God something to bless, as my coach, patrice Cunningham Washington, often says. Download the Disrupting Burnout Journal for a fillable copy of this activity. Write your vision following these guidelines. Release the pressure of whether it's realistic or not. Allow yourself to dream without restriction. Describe the vision in detail. Do not leave anything out. Include all aspects of your life. Do not judge your thoughts or wonder how it will happen. Write it all. Here are some prompts to help you get started writing your vision. Describe your ideal week. What does your life outside of work look like? Where do you live? What excites you about your work? Who do you serve? What impact are you having on their lives? How are you sharing your God-given gifts with the world?

Crisis of Brilliance
Transition to Brilliance
Living in Brilliance
Living Fully in God's Will