Mind What Matters

Inspiring Small Changes To Be Healthy (Pt. 2 with Cami Stoddard)

Blue Bayou Collective Season 1 Episode 7

Cami Stoddard is the 13th consultant to achieve the highest ranking, Managing Director, with Beautycounter. 

She is the mother to two spunky redheads, the wife to the kindest human on the planet, and lives in the best city in the USA, Nashville, TN. She is a self professed health lunatic, which stems from searching for answers regarding her mother's diagnosis with breast cancer in her late 30s (non BRCA gene) and subsequently early onset Alzheimer's at age 55. 

Both of these diseases have been determined to be environmentally provoked, hence Cami's passion to achieve health/wellness/healing for her family and those around her by educating on the need to lower your body's toxic load and how to do it.