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Beloved Jill, your show has helped me so much in my own grief. I cry and rejoice with you an Hannah’s journey. It is a privilege to walk with you and your family, everyday of Hanna’s last year here in her worldly body. Hannah is an inspiration to us all, her love, her trust in the lord. Again, thanks so much for sharing Hanna’s story. God bless/ Geeti
Jill and Brad. Thank you for NOT skipping this message on Christmas! EVERY Wednesday since I have found your podcast has been an encouragement from the Holy Spirit through your episode. I am so grateful for your courage to be obedient to the work of the Lord carved out for you through the journey Hannah has taken to heaven so early. You bring the message of the hope of Jesus. You remind me and others who listen how we are supposed to face the loss of our children. You help teach me to have a connection to other bereaved families whom are able to carry the weight together. So thank you for sharing every Wednesday even on Christmas Day today the hope of heaven as I miss my son Ethan so immensely as you do miss Hannah. Walking in the waiting with you in the grip and grace of Jesus. I agree, I pledge to continue to carry The light of Christ. --Nicole Wang
Roselle, Illinois
A Building Storm. Dear friend. You share your thoughts with such bravery. So often I am moved by your bravery, with Hannah. And while I listen I also am moved that while brave, we already know it is not going to go well. No happy ending. And yet Hannah I think would say she is happier and healthier than she has ever been. And with God's help, you/He turned this sorrow into something greater than you would have ever imagined. For God's way of making beauty from ashes, I am thankful. To all who mourn in Israel, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the LORD has planted for his own glory. › IS... Isaiah 61:3-4 NLT - (,To%2520all%2520who%2520mourn%2520in%2520Israel%252C%2520he%2520will%2520give%2520a,planted%2520for%2520his%2520own%2520glory.&sa=U&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwju1pO0zsCIAxUBG9AFHXBrHhMQFnoECC4QBQ&usg=AOvVaw2y-cxZa8-14qHibcEceyBO)
Plattsburgh, New York
This message is for Bethany. Your WWW podcast #199 was amazing! You are a very good public speaker. Thank you for sharing with transparency. You have so much insight. I'm sorry for all the pain you have experienced. It had to be so difficult having your sister ill while you too were sick with Mono. I pray the Lord brings healing for you just like you are a blessing and helping more people than you know. I also wanted to tell you that I worked in a hospital in Ohio and New York State and felt you being active in your father’s care made all the difference. You may have even saved his life. Thank you again for helping others. ❤️🙏
Plattsburgh, New York