Gutsy Health | Nutrition and Medicine

Functional Fitness as a Sustainable Path to Chronic Illness Recovery with Dr. Bridger Cutler

Juanique Roney & Gina Worful Season 3 Episode 23

“For those battling chronic illness, gentle movement is key. Opt for low-impact cardio like walking, and embrace strength training. It's not about pushing your limits, but finding a sustainable balance that nurtures your body without overtaxing it.”

Are you feeling drained by chronic illness? 

We get it - movement can be a powerful healing tool, but when fatigue and pain are constant companions, exercise often falls to the bottom of your to-do list.

What if there was a different approach? In this episode, we're flipping the script on traditional fitness advice and diving into functional fitness - a game-changing approach designed to restore your body's natural strength and energy.

I'm joined by Dr. Bridger Cutler, a chiropractor and functional fitness expert passionate about helping people reclaim their health through mindful movement. We'll explore the fascinating connection between movement and brain health, the surprising benefits of strength training for longevity, and practical tips for safe exercise - even on your toughest days.

Ready to discover how functional fitness could transform your life? Tune in to Season 3, Episode 23 of the Gutsy Health Podcast now!

Show Highlights: 

00:00 - Episode start

04:42 - Growing up with a health-conscious mom and how it shaped a passion for nutrition

07:50 - Dr. Cutler’s pivot from appearance-focused to functional fitness

14:37 - Health span vs. lifespan: Creating a body that can withstand stress and enjoy life

16:18 - The surprising link between exercise and brain health

20:17 - How brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) helps the brain grow during exercise

24:30 - The alarming rise in cancer rates among younger generations: Is sugar to blame?

25:02 - How movement boosts your mitochondria and what this means for your energy levels

27:13 - The often-overlooked importance of lean muscle mass for longevity

31:52 - The downside of excessive cardio

33:58 - Juanique’s experience with gentle exercise during her Graves' disease recovery

41:39 - The underestimated role of exercise in managing insulin sensitivity

44:08 - Can lifestyle changes reverse type 2 diabetes? 

55:10 - Tips for building a sustainable exercise routine especially when starting out

57:19 - What to look for in the right personal trainer

1:00:47 - Budget-friendly fitness essentials for beginners

1:02:57 - Low-impact exercise options for those with adrenal fatigue

1:06:45 - How to connect with Dr. Cutler for more information

Important Links: 

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