Autobiology with Jennifer Little-Fleck

Beat Aging: Discover 4 Core Targets to Stay Decades Younger and More Active with Ian Farrar

Jennifer Little-Fleck

Episode 52.  If you talk to "seasoned" human beings—meaning people who have lived at least 6 decades—they will all agree on one thing: to stay healthy and happy is to stay active. Once you stop working, moving, or dealing with life's daily challenges, you go downhill fast.

Here's the thing: some of us need help staying active.

We have gut issues. We have muscle issues. We have energy issues. We have sleep issues. We need help, and we need it to be easy.

This is easy.

This is my second podcast on 'easy' things you can do to turn around your health, but this one takes it a step further with a routine that hits on 4 core areas: superfood nutrition, detoxification, maintaining muscle mass, and sleep.

In this episode, I interview Ian Farrar, and award-winning cyclist who competes with people several decades younger than himself—and wins. You would never guess he's 55, more like 40, and many mistake him for being in his 30s.

After you're done listening, if you want to learn more about Ian and his transformation program, check him out on Instagram @iamianfarrar or email him directly at

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Speaker 1:

Alright, if you loved that interview that I did with Catherine Arnson, where I answered the question of the most common question I get is Jen, what is literally the easiest thing that I can do to start turning my health around? I don't want it to be hard, I want it to be easy, and the answer to that is energy based, and you learned all about the cool things that mitochondria does in your body and how it evolved from algae, you know, millions of years ago. Super fun, cool, very educational episode. But okay, let's say you're ready to take the next step. Like you, you get it. You're ready to do something more.

Speaker 1:

Well, this is step two, in my opinion. You're gonna learn All the things that you know, I do and then I think important but are still super easy. This, what we're gonna talk about today Super easy. So we're gonna be talking today with Ian for our, who is an award-winning Psycholist and at age 55. Let me tell you, a dude does not look 55. He looks 35. So if you want to check him out, we'll look, and I watch the episode on my YouTube channel as well.

Speaker 2:

You're listening to auto biology, the podcast where you can learn a little biology now so you can think for yourself later. Introducing your host, who dreams of being on an episode of Star Trek, as the quirky biologist who saves the day, jennifer little black.

Speaker 1:

Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of auto biology. Today my guest is Ian for our. He is a gold metal cyclist with over 27 years of experience in the health and wellness industry, also Founding partner of an organic superfood company, purium foods. Welcome, ian, to my podcast today. How are you?

Speaker 3:

I'm great, jennifer beamin in from Medellin, colombia. Well, we have a home on the side of this amazing mountain.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that is definitely probably a better view than I have right now. It is actually the weather here in Pittsburgh, pennsylvania in the United States, is not too bad right now We've had a pretty warm Christmas but I can imagine the views a little better where you are.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and this Medellin, colombia, is the city of eternal spring. It's like the same weather year-round, so it's pretty amazing yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so One of the reasons that I had you on the podcast and and we were talking a little bit earlier is I love the idea that you represent a nutritional company that just doesn't sell one product but really is kind of looking at providing a balanced solution to a couple of problems, which we'll get into. But I'd really like to understand your story and and why you started this adventure in health and wellness and you know, obviously you're a cyclist, so I'm sure that played a part, but can you fill us in?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, absolutely. You know, in my 20s I was a full-time cyclist and it was really a time where there was a lot of of performance enhancing drug potential. Some of my you know acquaintances decided to go on that path and go on to bigger and better things and I really wanted to focus on enhancing my overall body performance and nutrition naturally and not use performance enhancing Drugs which lead to a lot of detriment of your, to your reputation as well as to your body and your health. So I started to study natural healing. I started to study body potential, organ systems of really like how the human body works and what you know Foods can do for the body, and and then I got into super foods. So you know, I experienced a lot of success in my 20s.

Speaker 3:

My son was born and when I was 29, so I took a break from racing I'm he's 24 today and I kind of got really really into my sport again in my 40s was like a full-time time, almost pro Level, you know, at that at that age of my life I was like in my mid 40s and I was riding full-time, you know, sleeping in an altitude 10, and my nutrition was a big part of my success, given my, my regimen on a daily basis and if I could just go back a little bit you know, 20 years ago I was 34 is when I line myself With Dave Sandoval, who's the author of the Green Foods Bible, which is an amazing book that really gives people the foundation of lifestyle orientation and human optimization through proper health and nutrition.

Speaker 1:

Wow, okay, so that was 34 and then you picked it back up in your 40s. There has to be a little bit of difference between you know, I know I had a lot more energy in my 30s than in my 40s, so I can imagine you know, potentially it was a little harder to get to that same performance level actually Actually, to be honest with you, um, I was much better in my 30s Excuse me in my 40s, and I wasn't my 20s and 30s.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I was a heavier athlete. My diet wasn't, wasn't where it was. You know where it is now. You know, I mean, I'm 55 today. Okay, I'm retired from racing and I'm very proud to say that I'm a healthy 55. What? Seven days ago I turned 55. But in my 40s, given my knowledge around health and wellness, given my knowledge around recovery, Give my knowledge around adrenal health, give my knowledge around digestion, I I was able to race with kids half my age and be in the top five, in the top 10, you know, after you know 50 to 100 kilometers of racing. So you know, I was the best, healthiest version of myself, jennifer. Because I was the best Version of myself, jennifer, because I was feeding myself and I was recovering properly. I just wasn't eating the standard American diet and I was a 20-something healthy, physical kid. So yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So Can you imagine if you had done the stuff that you did in your 40s, in your 20s? Yeah, what do you think the difference would have been?

Speaker 3:

Oh I would have been. I would have been a Like, a pro with a really great contract, even if I didn't, you know, put stuff in my veins that I didn't want to. Okay, I mean because you need to have the the right physical Ability for performance enhancing drugs to work. But if I'm using the right amount of chlorophyll, which would spooge your red blood cell count, taking all the wonderful Mushrooms that enhance physical of rovic output, I mean if I had that at 22, so that didn't get built into my life until my 30s and 40s. The knowledge around, you know, you know medicinal mushrooms, wheatgrass juice, chlorophyll, all of that world, yeah, I would have been a totally different thing. So I could have what it should have.

Speaker 1:

But All right. So let's say you know we're good. I have a lot of questions around that, but I'm curious. So what do you think are when you started studying nutrition and you realized that there was a huge way to Enhance your performance? What are, would you say were the three most surprising things?

Speaker 3:

the number one. Number one thing, jennifer, was my digestive system, because the key to health is optimizing your digestive system. And and growing up the United States in the late 60s, 70s and 80s, I was inundated by the standard American diet, you know, getting your carbohydrate, fat and proteins from somewhere. My digestion was always compromised, I was always bloated. I was always, you know, the Smelliest person in the family, if you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I know exactly what you mean and I I love that you started with that one, because when I had my health epiphany, that was where I started was with digestion. Yeah, because, like you, how I realized I had a problem was every single time I ate something, my stomach blew up and I looked pregnant. And you know, if you are listening to this right now and that happens to you, it's a huge sign that you need to fix your digestion and that's where I started. So thank you for starting with that.

Speaker 3:

You're very welcome. An apocrity said that disease begins in the gut, and as soon as I fixed my digestion, I felt the vitality of that healthier version of myself in my 30s, when I was learning about how the human body worked. So if I went over here and I participated in my diet and my lifestyle this way, I experienced the same things as my 20s and I didn't want to go back there again. I wanted to progress forward. So it's all about digestion.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, and I highly recommend the baby. A step for me for digestion was just starting with enzymes, which I had never heard of. So that was step one for me, but step two for me was switching to a primarily green based diet for at least 30 days. Yeah, you know, ian, I was surprised how quickly you can turn things around. It was like 30 days and I was a completely different person. How about you? Yeah?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and same thing here. And listen, it's potential hydrogen, which is pH. Okay, because if you eat a lot of dead food, processed food, too much animal okay, dairy products there's virtually no healthy potential hydrogen. Okay. So healthy pH in the body? People talk about 7.2. Blood being 7.2. Long story short if you're eating a lot of green foods, you're naturally going to reach that healthy state of pH or potential hydrogen. Okay. Hydrogen is the key molecule for human optimization. I'm convinced of this. Everything that I read leads to the green foods and the molecules within the green foods. So blessings. I'm in total agreement with you on that.

Speaker 1:

All right, great. So what's the second epiphany you had?

Speaker 3:

The second epiphany was performance enhancement with amazing foods that have been on the planet for a long time, and the key one is chlorophyll, the elixir of life. It makes the river of life, your bloodstream, full of really healthy, wonderful red blood cells. Okay, and I love that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, last year I had interviewed Katherine Arston and she has a spirulina-based product. You know, energy bits Awesome, and she is one of the. You know she pontificates about chlorophyll all the time and what I learned from her which is what you're saying as well was that if you look at the chemical structure of chlorophyll and hemoglobin in our blood, they are so close, so so close. So it makes total sense that if you're eating something that is supportive of something in your bloodstream, how can I mean, how can you not get healthier? I mean, we're meant to eat that.

Speaker 3:

We are meant to eat that and you know you referenced so close, and chlorophyll has a magnesium bond and our blood has an iron bond. And at altitude here in Colombia, I live at sea level. I live on the East Coast, like you do, I live in Florida and I'm at 6,200 feet right now. I climb up to 8,300 feet is a lot of less oxygen, but given the fact that I'm such a consumer of chlorophyll, my hermetic rate level is 48.5. Okay, 50 is you're taking something? I'm not taking anything but the elixir of life of chlorophyll.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that's really interesting, so wonderful. I love that you support the whole. You know chlorophyll is essential. You know part of your diet, yeah, okay. So what would you say would be like the third kind of epiphany you had. Oh, I'm not hearing you, ian, I lost audio of you. Oh, there we go. All right, I got to say I love the editing software at least, so no problem.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, someone was trying to face-tie me, so sorry.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, no problem, All right. So let's say, let's finish on. What would you say? Your third kind of nugget is for people.

Speaker 3:

My third nugget, for everyone that's going to view this, is that don't be recreational with your health. Your relationship with your diet is going to take care of the vehicle that you live in, which is your body, and if you want it to run like that performance machine, as God intended it, as God designed it, okay, take care of it. Okay, because if you are recreational with it, you will get a recreational disease that we build in our system over time and what they promote on TV is not going to get to the underlying cause to help you get back to your health. So, lifestyle folks. Lifestyle. Eating the rainbow, okay, eating those fruits and vegetables, organic, come again.

Speaker 1:

Not skittles right.

Speaker 3:

Not skittles. That's not the rainbow. Actually, skittles was just banned and I'm happy that it was so yeah.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, yeah, that's really interesting, you know, for people that don't travel. They don't realize that there's a lot of foods from the US, particularly candy, that are banned in other countries. Yeah, because they are so unhealthy for you.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

That's really interesting. All right, so I want to get into some of the reasons why green foods and why organic superfoods are so important, because I think people don't realize. Over time, I think one of my big epiphanies was I didn't understand the idea that from the day that we're born, we start accumulating toxins. If we're not careful, if we don't know, if we don't watch what we eat, if we don't watch what we put on our skin or pay attention to where we live, we start accumulating these toxins. And I think you know. I'm curious on your thoughts on that, because I know that chlorophyll is one of the things that it helps do, along with spirulina, and algae is helps us get rid of those toxins. So what do you think about the whole toxin thing and the fact that nobody really talks about that in terms of health?

Speaker 3:

Yeah Well, whether it be spirulina, whether it be Corella, whether it be wheatgrass, whether it be garlard green juice, whether it be a piece of broccoli, kale, collards, they all have the component of chlorophyll and, as I said, it's the elixir of life and helps the river of life stay clean. Your liver has a lot of responsibilities and if it's being inundated with a lot of processed foods, fake foods, junk foods, you know you're going to be building a toxic waste dump in your body. If you don't take care of your health, where are you going to live? I like sharing that with people. You have to take care of this vehicle, as I just mentioned earlier. So, whether it be Crack Cell Corella, whether it be spirulina, you know these compounds have been on planet Earth for a long time.

Speaker 3:

Spirulina is well over three billion years. The Aztecs, the Incas, the indigenous peoples you know, have been eating this 60% protein full of all the B vitamins and compounds. You know Corella happens to be the top chlorophyll. If you want healthy blood, if you want healthy radiance, skin, hair, nails, the aesthetics it's what you put into your system that's going to reflect the body on the outside. So, eating a diet that's the rainbow, okay, of all those colors not artificial colors, but natural colors that nature provides I'm pretty sure that you are going to have the best health ever, okay? So you know, with the company I represent, you know we offer a lot of products that embrace from a superfood standpoint, okay, products that are really, really nourishing, that are even much better than you get at the store because of how we grow them and prepare them for healthy human optimization.

Speaker 1:

All right. So, on that vein, let's talk a little bit about how there are toxins that you can get from food that isn't quality superfood, but there also are, you know, the man-made toxins, right? So we're talking about, you know, glyphosate, or plastics, or things that tend to go into our bodies and to our foods. Let's say that somebody's watching this and they don't understand toxins or what glyphosate is. Could you illuminate us?

Speaker 3:

Yes, I can. Glyphosate happens to be the number one stress factor for humanity in the United States and Canada or wherever we export our you know Cheerios to other countries with different languages. On the box, glyphosate is round up. Round up is a weed killer. It is actually incredibly toxic. It increases one's cancer risk by 41%. It destroys your gut microbiome digestion. Okay, it was introduced into agriculture in 1992. That food when I grew up was healthier than it is now. If parents are going to watch this, if you have Cheerios, you have Ritz crackers, you have any type of bread products, more often than not it has glyphosate in it, which is very dangerous for your children's developing microbiome, which is your gut as well as your digestive system. So round up. The company that actually owns it is Bear, which was Monsanto, and they're losing heavily in court because of the cancers and the damage that this chemical has exposed people to. So there is a solution to the pollution and we're talking about that now.

Speaker 1:

Exactly Now. Here's the problem, though, is some people seem to be able to consume a lot of toxins and be unaffected.

Speaker 1:

So, that's why we hear people are like, oh, it doesn't bother me, I can eat anything. I have an iron stomach. And then there's those of us, people like myself, who are highly, highly sensitive to toxins and I know within a moment whether or not I've eaten something that contains. And I think that that's why, you know, people like us get into health and nutrition in the first place is because we realize that there's something wrong very quickly, Right, and we research it. But the reality is and I think you know you kind of hit on this earlier as we age, we start to lose that ability to filter out all those toxins and they start getting. You know, no matter how good your body is, you start storing that stuff, you start accumulating fat, it gets harder to lose. I'm curious if you have had conversations with people like this. Yeah, and then they've come back to you and said, oh my gosh, I had no idea.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, absolutely. There's a lot of ignorance out there and I don't say ignorance from a negative standpoint. I mean even my wife, okay, who I introduced to the wellness space. We've been together for close to 10 years. She still wears perfumes perfumes or endocrine disruptors and they're very, very harmful to the body and very sensitive. I smell of perfume. I'll get a headache because my body's really clean and my body's like saying, hey, this is not working out too well. But if you're ingesting Splenda, if you're ingesting Aspartame, okay, most people's bodies have adapted and they're just not going to feel it. I would feel it immediately because of the level of clean I am. The people that are not as clean are going to be able to tolerate it to a certain point where they're going to get a fibromyalgia, they're going to get an MS, they're going to get a diabetes, they're going to get a cancer, because the body's going to be like you know what? You didn't listen to some of the signs and this is what I'm going to offer you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, that's one of the things that I think people need to realize is there are signs along the way. Again, myself and yourself, I think we're really sensitive to what those signs are. We feel them but, like you said, if somebody's body has adapted, I like to explain it as if you have a dog that barks all the time. After a while, you don't hear the dog bark anymore.

Speaker 4:

But your neighbor?

Speaker 1:

sure as heck does, yeah, and they are going to come tell you about it. So your body has stopped responding to that. But you give somebody who has a pretty good digestive system in place and is clean, like you said, they're going to feel it pretty much immediately.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that was so well put, jennifer. I love that. I'm actually going to use that in my next live, so bless those, go ahead, go ahead, steal it, steal it, all right.

Speaker 1:

So, knowing all of this, tell me how then Purium came into being.

Speaker 3:

Well, you know, in 1996, I was looking for an opportunity to make an impact. I started out with a really great quality solid carbon block water to filter device because New York City had heavily chlorinated water. There was Cryptosporidium in the water, there was lots of chlorine byproducts in the water and I felt that, wow, look at all the apartments, look at all the lights there, everyone needs a water filter. But I really wanted to make a bigger impact because I think that water is the elixir of life and it's a major, major component to health Very important, you know, because you know what your body swims in is the majority of water, your blood plasma and everything. So I decided to approach Dave Sannevall and Amy Venner at the Natural Products Expo in Baltimore, maryland, because I knew that their organic commute wheatgrass and their spirulina and their Corella and all the superfoods that I've studied and I was like, wow, this stuff is amazing. Because they were selling in retail and when you go into a health food store there's probably six to 10 or more different companies offering the same thing.

Speaker 3:

And I knew that organic by nature was 1,000% committed to offering the best organic sourcing of the elements that I wanted to put in my body and at that time I was building nutritional brokers with you know Gaia Herbs, eclectic Institute, a lot of really great companies, great farms that offer great products direct to the health food store. So I gave them an idea to take these products direct to consumer and they took me up on the idea and that was 20 years ago. So I'm living in like wellness nutrition heaven that I could actually have a conversation with someone and really get the elixir of life in their bodies with the ultimate lifestyle transformation or the daily core for if they want to take it slower and help make an impact on their life, yeah, so let's talk about what the recommendation is, in which you call your daily core.

Speaker 1:

For Now, I have had an opportunity to try out your products and I'll start with the basically your green superfood smoothie drink.

Speaker 3:

The power shake. Should I grab it?

Speaker 1:

The power shake. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm coming back.

Speaker 3:

I'm coming.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the power shake.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, this right here.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, I got that.

Speaker 3:

Got it.

Speaker 1:

So I've tried, I've tried a lot of green products over the years, you know. I mean because there's, let's face it, there's some that are promoted by a lot more famous podcasters than myself and you know, and I think they're great and you're very probably nutritionally sound, but none of them really taste all that great. To be honest with you Hard, hard to drink and definitely nothing that my kids would drink you know ever. But this actually really tasted good, like I actually enjoy and I'm enjoying it. So kudos to you on whomever figured out how to make it actually taste good. So it's, it's. It tastes to me like sort of like, like green apple, like it's just very, I don't know, it's just tastes good.

Speaker 3:

Well, let me speak to this. Okay, for years, when I was racing and riding again, I would train with the original in my water bottle because of the nutrition, and I developed a taste for it. Because I'm the type of person I'll chew my spirulina or Corella I don't care how it tastes, I just love it, and I've acquired a taste for things that most people wouldn't. So we introduced the apple berry flavor not synthetic flavor, apple berry and the power shake right here is 100% certified, organic, verified, non GMO, project apple berry and has a little monk fruit in there too, which is a really great sweetener, but most of the essence comes from apple berry. So I'm so happy, for that's been palatable for you and it's my go to for the past two decades.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like I said, the test for me is whether or not my kids will eat it, because you know I don't want to. I don't want to be buying like tons of products for them versus me, versus you know. I mean I just I want to be able to use one thing and that just it just tastes good. So could you see on that? Thank you, the. The other thing that's part of that core for right is the, the microbiome.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Capsules. Can you speak to that a little bit?

Speaker 3:

I can. That's actually in the kitchen. But yeah, the biometric is the most important. Yeah, the biometric is the most important product in the product line to help release the pollution in people's bodies that they're eating on a daily basis. Some capsule in the morning will capsule in the evening.

Speaker 3:

There is a human clinical to reduce glyphosate in your system by 74% in six weeks and lower C reactive protein, which is the inflammation marker in the body, by 75%. So biometric is a prebiotic, probiotic and it has humic and folic acid which is the puller out of this compound through, you know, urination, defecation through perspiration, to rehabilitate your gut microbiome. We've seen tremendous turnarounds in immune compromised situations, as just well as no more bloating. Because guess what, if you have celiac and you are struggling with some type of digestive disorder, more often than not it's a glyphosate issue. But they've labeled it IBS, crohn's celiac disease. It's a glyphosate, it's your diet. So our company, through the Daily Core 4 or the Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation, which is two Daily Core 4s for a 30 day reset, offers the biometric which is essential in everyone's house today in the United States and Canada.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I agree. I mean there's a lot of people still who, I think, don't understand or appreciate the power of a good prebiotic or probiotic simply because they think it's a drop in the bucket compared to all of the flora that are in the gut. But when you combine it all together, where you're giving the bacteria something to feed on and then you're also repopulating with a different type of flora, a different type of organism in the probiotic, and then you're also introducing minerals that can help to grasp and pull stuff out of the system, I mean I think that's when you really see the difference. But a lot of the times when we're sold these supplement regimens it's like, well, we have this for this or we have this for this. But I think what I like about your combination is you say, yeah, the great, the power shake and the greens are great, but if you have stuff that is stuck in your system, you got to get it out.

Speaker 3:

You got to get it out, it's like hmm, it's the solution to the pollution and the proper lifestyle orientation, the commitment to health, is the key of not reintroducing that into your body. Now we go out to dinner. Most restaurants don't care. They're buying genetically modified organisms. They're serving bread on the table. But when you get home, if you're taking a capsule of biometric, you're actually cleaning if you've been exposed. So my wife and I for the past six years I'm very conscious eater, as you probably can understand. We have our evening preparation, we have our morning preparation and lots of superfoods. So our bodies, if we get hit, it's getting swept right out, whereas other people accumulate and accumulate until they create this syndrome called cancer. It's built in the system. A lot of diseases that are plaguing our country, our fellow Americans, is built by improper lifestyle.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know what you mentioned something earlier and how basically glyphosate problems manifest as different disease states, and I think that's so important. As a full-time medical writer, one of the conclusions that I have come to is that all of these autoimmune diseases are basically all the same disease, but what happens is different people, everybody's different. Everybody's genetics are different. These biochemistry is a little different and depending on where your gaps are, either genetically or nutritionally, is where you're going to see the disease manifest.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

And so you know, like you said, like you know, for some people it's cancer, but for other people it may be. You know central nervous system disorders. You know for somebody else it might be, you know rheumatoid arthritis, or you know, if they're having issues everywhere, you know it's going to show up as lupus. So if you're having any problem at all, I've not understood why the very first thing you do is clean out the system. Yeah, that's why that's not the first thing.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, and I really, really appreciate the way you just offered that information because, as Hippocrates said, disease begins in the gut. Now we all have constitution, we all have a physical constitution. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. The suggestion for me was my weak point, so I needed to work on that. I mean, I have very, very strong cardiovascular function. Given the fact that I'm an athlete, I'm very, very aware and knowledgeable to keep those highways clean and not clogged with the improper foods.

Speaker 3:

But you know, autoimmune disease, gut, whether it be lupus, whether it be all of these conditions, I you know if you take your body on a vacation or if eating the best of the best. Jennifer, it's been my experience that this body we live in is a tremendous self-healing organism. When it's given the opportunity to do so, I break my arm, I go to the orthopedist. But when it comes to an internal short-circuiting dysfunction situation, you put in the power shake, you put in the biomedic, you eat some of the right lifestyle foods. The body's going to know what to do. It's the toolbox of health. The toolbox of health is key, yeah.

Speaker 1:

What's so funny is last night. Well, yesterday, my husband went out to lunch with my stepson who's visiting, you know, for the holidays. Cool, we hardly ever eat out. It's pretty rare for us. We cook at home most of the time, you know, because of you know the way we eat. And he came home and he was like I knew, I knew it, I knew I shouldn't have eaten, you know XYZ, because his stomach was immediately upset and our body immediately knows because we eat so clean.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, here's the thing, ian, is, once you get your body clean, you don't realize the difference until you go out and you eat crap again and you're in the way you feel and you're like, oh my gosh, I guess having a clean system really is, you know, it really is better, because people don't feel it until they go back to eating crap a little bit and I think that kind of brings it back over to the healthy side of things. You know, and for anybody who thinks that, or you're talking to people who think that what you eat doesn't affect every cell in your body, I like to tell people I have two words for you Bad sushi, because if you eat bad sushi, I don't care who you are, your entire body goes into a tailspin almost immediately and you feel sicker than sick, than than you ever have. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I don't know.

Speaker 3:

I think I think you do know. I know the cleaner you become, the more sensitive we become. Now, at times, when I explain people my health orientation, it's a reach for them to really understand, because eating is recreation and most people's bodies have developed this adaptation process of just taking it on the chin, taking it on the chin until they eventually develop a situation. I know that if I go certain places, if I go to a Italian restaurant and I have pasta, you know I'm going to have some challenges. If I eat dairy, I'm going to have some challenges because my body is clean. So the more conscious one becomes of your relationship with how you fuel your body. And that's my whole passion and purpose, jennifer, and I think you're on the same page here. We want to raise people's awareness of their relationship with their diet and their lifestyle.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So when you start working with somebody or you know, you kind of like bring people over to the, the purium way of thinking, how long does it usually take people to come back to you and say, whoa, because I find that most people don't realize that the gut lining you're going to have is a lot of people. The gut lining replaces itself every three to four days, so it is actually kind of easy to see changes really quickly if you, you know, start the process. Yeah, what's been your experience?

Speaker 3:

It's been my experience that when someone commits to their health and they get on the plan I'm looking at 10 days, I'm looking at a few days to 10 days of the rainbow coming out, the sun coming out. I haven't felt this great. If you want more of it, keep going, okay, because the way you used to live will bring you back to clouds and rain Not that rain's bad and lightning lightning can be bad. That's my analogy for people. So when you commit to your health, your health commits to you.

Speaker 3:

I had a person Jennifer, drive all the way across the United States I get emotional to thank me for saving their life, getting them on the 10 day transformation, which is now the ultimate lifestyle transformation. He had congestive heart failure. You know, walked around with a little suitcase of all of his meds that weren't fixing him, but he did the 10 day transformation. And Chester, who drives he's a farmer drove with his girlfriend across the United States, knocked on my door in Greenwich, connecticut, and I opened up the door and Chester's there and he said I just wanted to thank you in person because now I have my health and my life back, I'm able to enjoy many more Christmases to come, and it's because of that commitment and that investment in himself and listening to what I've learned, that has created the time to enjoy with his loved ones, which is what this is all about. So thank you for letting me share that.

Speaker 1:

You know, what's so interesting in is when I talk to people who have Done very well for themselves in life. They're very successful, they have a ton of money. Yeah and they hit a certain point in their life and they can't Fix what's wrong with them. You can't you can't throw money at a health problem Right and you can, but I mean it doesn't mean it's gonna do anything for you If you've neglected your body.

Speaker 4:

And right you know.

Speaker 1:

So I think, when it comes to whether it's a farmer or, you know, a CEO, you only have one body and and how you treat it, you know, is the same for everybody, you know, yeah.

Speaker 3:

That's, that's what I say. I mean, listen, you know whether I'm in, like you know, miami. I'm speaking to some millionaire billionaire. They're all walking around in the same vehicle. I don't care how many Rolexes you have, how many high-end cars, you have. The house and the square footage of your house, okay, this body that you live in. If you continue to consume alcohol and live big but not intelligently, you will develop a diminished life. So when I when I've been around these people and when I see them waking up and they engage me and they're feeling great and they're changing their mindset because mindset is the key To unlocking your longevity, because I believe that I'm gonna live web well past the hundred years of age. My mother, grandmother, lived to 101. All her food was organic, okay, and now I could, and I could extend my epigenetics because of what I'm doing on a daily basis I believe that your interaction on a daily basis can impact your lifespan.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely now when we think about another huge, what huge part of what helps you live to a healthy, healthy, long age is the ability to Move around. And to be able to move around we need to have muscle and we need to key, you know, to keep that up. But as we age it gets really hard to maintain muscle.

Speaker 1:

Yeah you don't work at it right and I so. I, a couple of years ago, I don't, you know, I'm not a bodybuilder. I, you know, I don't like I live in the gym. I hate going to the gym. I, you know, I do other things, but I do take amino acids. I do take, you know, creatinine and, and people are like why? And it's because, you know, because I don't want sarcopenia, you know, I Want to maintain my muscle mass. So when I saw that amino acids was part of your core for I was like wow, once again I'm like wow, they really get it. This is part. Yes, exactly. So, you know, can you talk a little bit?

Speaker 3:

You know, I Could talk a lot about it. That product is very dear to me. Actually, on the label the previous label Like my pictures on it, I'm actually the cyclist on the label, the European, our European Brand, has that picture. Long story short, super amino 23 is very dear to me. I've won my gold medal to silver medals. I give that product credit of of in a lot of ways, but it offers your body the best form of utilization on the planet. Okay, I'm not getting into animal protein, I'm not getting into plant-based protein, but I will From a plant-based aspect, because this product is a non-soil legume that offers a 99 to 1 net nitrogen utilization. As you know, 99% of this protein gets to the work working muscle in 23 minutes. It's pre-digested. So, kidney dialysis patients, moibuano super good. Okay, hospital patients that are there are muscle wasting that are in bed for weeks on end. They'll actually come out of bed with more lean muscle without exercising. Now for those of you that Happened to me?

Speaker 1:

Yes, it has. I could not believe it. I was putting on One muscle simply by taking amino acids and I was like how is this even possible? Yeah not working out.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, listen, I'm 55 and I'm not going to take off my shirt now, but, um, I'm super fit and your body potential will go away higher if you take Super amino 23 23, meaning 23 minutes to get into the, into the system. It's part of our ultimate lifestyle transformation. It's part of our daily core four. These are awesome and they're non-soil legume, they're tablets, they're free of anycipient splinters or fillers and they really work. Okay, I mean, I've been taking. I've taken 10s and 10s of thousands of them in very hard racing situations recovery, um, aesthetically, your skin, your hair, all made of this. So this protein, especially for the elderly, is essential for those that are having a hard time keeping lean muscle mass on their frame.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that's exactly like I said. That's why I started taking it, because I wanted to prevent that. So Awesome, All right. So the fourth and final thing that you know I think you need for optimum health is the ability to get really good deep sleep. Yeah. Because that's when our body compares itself, that's when our brain Um cleanses itself, removes all the waste products from the day, helps us maintain good cognitive as we age and uh. So why don't you talk a little bit about the fourth and final Uh component?

Speaker 3:

well, believe it or not, um, sleep should have a vitamin s associated to it, because most people are not. They're very Deficient in proper sleep. Where your renewal? I mean, if you look at the Chinese organ clock, every number on the clock has An organ system Excuse me, that, you know, does its thing, whether it be the liver, the spleen, the kidneys, the heart, um the endocrine system overall and um. Sleep is really important and most people are unfortunately Doing all the wrong things they're eating late, which interferes with the sleep cycle. They're drinking alcohol late, which interferes with the liver's functionality, which is gonna Hinder their sleep. And people are going out to stores and they're buying melatonin and they're buying all these isolates that to help them sleep. And it's been my experience that the plant-based world, the herbal world, offers some really, really wonderful ways to help calm down your nervous system, to get to get into that deep, restful sleep, enhancing your sarcading rhythm, instead of taking synthetics that are very dangerous.

Speaker 1:

Now your formula, your, your evening formula the tart cherry.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

You know, it was interesting a few years ago. Uh, my husband, we, we identified that he wasn't getting any deep sleep. I mean, it was like five minutes, maybe. You know. Once we started tracking his sleep and one of the very first things that came up as a natural way to help promote better sleep was tart cherry juice. And so that is your, the fourth, you know of your, your total transformation, and I have to say it's enjoyable, it's delicious, but it is plant-based, and I think maybe you can speak to this a little bit. But when we think about plant-based products, it's not an isolate, because there's a lot of compounds that are meant to be together, that form naturally in nature, and that's why I like the Whole Foods component of the apothecary.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and it's not a standardized extract of melatonin from Mount Marenzi Tarcheris, it's actually the Whole Food. I believe in Whole Foodism. That the human body is going to be like, wow, I love it. Let's go Now the apothecary. I've been taking this for 20 years, okay, and the apothecary has naturally occurring melatonin. The cherries from Michigan Mount Marenzi Tarcheris are the highest melatonin content containing cherries.

Speaker 3:

That was a mouthful in the plant kingdom and, believe it or not, it's an amazing anti-inflammatory. It just really helps calm down the inflammation and it has three compounds that are lethal to cancer cells. Perium is not saying this. If you Google the benefits of Tarcheris for gout and various situations, it creates adeptosis through isochorsis, 10-pair alcohol and a lactic acid. So adeptosis is the killing, the dying of cancer cells, as you know. So taking Tarcheriduce is really, really important. Now I don't remember where I read the study, but women who have healthy levels of melatonin reduce their cancer risk, their breast cancer risk, by 45% having healthy levels of melatonin. So as a medical writer, you probably could bring that up a lot quicker than me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so there's been a ton of studies on high-dose melatonin as part of cancer treatment. So you're exactly right, ian, there's a lot of data on that. I mean that's out of the scope of our conversation, but you're right. But so not only is it in the Tarcherid, but we also know that Chlorella has a naturally high amount of melatonin components in it as well. Yeah. So if you're doing the power, the shakes in the morning, you're introducing that into your system and allowing it to accumulate and work as intended along with the Tarcherid.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's just every morning, Jennifer. I can't wait to bless my body with the elixir of life.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

I'm not super human, I'm close to it. I wake up with some aches from time to time because we go out and there's foods that could have some seed oils that are inflammatory, and my body expresses it in my lower back. But as I get into lubricating my body in the morning and getting the turmerics and the cherry juice which is later on in the day into my body, I start to feel my 20-something self again. For people that meet me, I was down in the gym this morning and a woman thought I was like 40, which is within my age category, but I'm closer to 60 than I am to 40. So from an aesthetic standpoint, from a human performance, physical standpoint I mean, I'm still in the 30 range. So I believe that your chronological age and your biological age could be much different. If you pay attention for what we're talking about here, I think you would agree.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, there's no question, you don't look 55. So congratulations there and happy belated birthday as well, thank you. One more thing I want to talk about before we close out this conversation.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

And well, two things actually. I practice fasting For me, for my body. I found that that is the fastest way to kind of purge and get back on a good schedule. Once I have been indulging like and say Christmas, holiday, you know, parties and stuff. I mean, we're all human, we make mistakes, we go to eat. But what I have found is they say, not only is it what you eat, but when you eat it as well. And I found that if I introduce and drink, that shake is the very, very first thing that my body has after a fast, the absorption, and I just feel I can actually feel the energy come back into my system. You know, after the fast, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And liquid sunshine always blesses the body. Okay, Whether it be a straight up organic commute blend, which is the wheatgrass juice, straight up sterling, straight up chlorophyll of Corella, straight up Power Shake, it's going to be an injection of it's like the you know energizer. You know you're getting the sun. Okay, the sun is the activation and you move on with your day.

Speaker 3:

Now, for me, I believe in getting the micronutrients. Okay, because we're overfed and undernourished and when I feed myself the right way, I don't require as much. Now if my training load, if I'm riding 100, 200, 300 miles a week, I'm going to require more food to keep my glycogen levels on point, to just save myself when I train. I'm not really doing that now. I've ridden four times since I've been here in Columbia, probably going to ride another seven or eight times, and I'm not. I'm only. I'm going up the mountain five miles and I'm coming down. So I'm not like needing a lot of calories. I maybe do a banana in my shake and I'm done. Good, but blessing your body in the morning, you know, breaking that fast with this lifestyle, it's just a blessing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, all right. And so where do you see things headed in your industry, in the health and wellness industry, in the next five years?

Speaker 3:

It's going to. It's going to continue to be the mega trend. The mega trend. Let the trend be your friend, first and foremost as an investment in myself. I saw, I'm, I'll, I'm a bit of a futurist. I saw this 20 plus years ago and it's I've done very well with this and helping people live the best life ever. It's like the best form of payment to anybody is listening and them applying the information. So this is big health and wellness. You see a lot of stuff advertised but a lot of products are not quality, because I have a trained eye. That's why I wanted to approach the right people to offer humanity the best products. And you know Purim's mission is to help end human suffering by lifestyle orientation. I'm not a pusher of products. I am a facilitator of lifestyle and health through proper decision, with the best of the best, with no synthetic ingredients, If that makes sense, Jennifer.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely. I agree with you. And the main reason that I agree that this is not just a flash in the pan is, first of all, you know, health and wellness. Yeah, it's been around, you know talked about, since the seventies. But I think the trend in the last probably five years has massively picked up steam and I think it's going to grow exponentially. And here's why Four years ago I had never even heard of the word microbiome.

Speaker 1:

And now it is like everybody knows what a microbiome is. Right, you know it's. I mean it's just it's become a household word, especially if you're somebody who even remotely looks into good eating and health and nutrition. Right, but yeah, four years ago most people did not know what that word was. I am a medical writer. I was writing about colon cancer and I had not heard of the microbiome. It was in none of my medical textbooks. It was never mentioned in any of the journal journal articles that I cited or read. But now it's, it's a household thing. But then, when you start compiling that with all of the other research that has come out like 10 years ago was when we discovered the lymphatic system in the brain. We've only known about how the brain cleanses itself for for 10 years. So I can't even imagine what we haven't discovered yet. It's going to be discovered, you know, within the next five years or so. I think the human body is still a massive mystery to most people, to all humans, and we're still learning.

Speaker 3:

Well said. I mean, you know you're, you're born with a body, but we don't get an owner's manual. We get, we don't get it. We get it, we get schooled in other aspects, but you know, what we discussed here is a real roadmap in an owner's manual of how you could, you know, really enjoy your run in this life.

Speaker 1:

I agree and I think that your product line with Purium, especially those core four, I mean, they really do kind of address like the main things that you need to do if you are serious about transforming your health. But you want it to be easy, because it is easy to do and it doesn't taste bad and I highly recommend it to anybody who doesn't know where to start but knows that they need to do something.

Speaker 3:

Awesome. I really appreciate you and I appreciate the fact that you've gotten into the game of your health on this level with Purium and it's been really wonderful connecting with you today and I hope this inspires everyone to have the best year ever that's going to be here soon.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, ian, and if people want to learn more about you and Purium Health, where can they find more information?

Speaker 3:

They could find more information by contacting me directly. I am on Instagram, it's I am Ian Ferrar. I am. I am F-A-R-R-A-R. Okay, you could also reach me via email, which is IanFerrar68 at gmailcom.

Speaker 1:

Great. Thank you so much, Ian. Have a great day.

Speaker 3:

You're welcome.

Speaker 4:

This podcast is for information purposes only. Any of the discussions or products held herein are not in any way offered as prescription, diagnosis nor treatment for any disease, illness, infirmity or physical condition. Any form of self-treatment or alternative health program necessarily must involve an individual's acceptance of some risk, and no one should assume otherwise. Persons needing medical care should obtain it from a physician. Consult your doctor before making any health decision. Statements and views expressed on this podcast are not medical advice. The podcast hosts may have direct or indirect financial gains from products discussed on this podcast.