Balanced Body with Ashley Mazurek

BBs4e5 - Root dysfunctions as it relates to the Hips and what that can mean in us Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually.

Ashley Mazurek on Personal Trainers | Fitness | Business | Clients | Practitioners | Health | Coaching | Build Your Dream ! Season 4 Episode 5

If our physical ailments aren’t getting better then the question can present as Why? In this podcast we will talk specifically about the Pelvis and how physical dysfunctions can get better by looking at the distortions from a mental, emotional and spiritual issue. I will give you insight to some ideas that can be associated with the hip. I will speak on some distortions and some questions to ask to create some clarity into why the hip is in this misalignment. If the physical is misaligned then the energy in the root is chaotic which ultimately means not balanced and doesn’t allow us to feel optimal. 

So this is all about becoming our “Best version” so the easiest place to start is the physical then to a deeper dive the mental/emotional and spiritual. I will end with a reminder to Forgive oneself to grow in our love for another. 

Thank you for listening and if you wish to connect me, 

I can be located at my Website:, Facebook page: Ashley’s Goodchi page, Insta: Balancedbody.Ashley