Balanced Body with Ashley Mazurek

BBs4e9 - Fear, Let’s dissect and talk all around what that means.

Ashley Mazurek on Personal Trainers | Fitness | Business | Clients | Practitioners | Health | Coaching | Build Your Dream ! Season 4 Episode 9

Let’s dissect  fear and talk all around what that means from my perspective. I will discuss what it could mean if we choose not to let it go and hold onto it in our bodies. Fear can manifest into other emotional energies and words but all taking us to a vibration that may not serve us long term as we all can take the responsibility to evolve into a better version of ourselves. 

I have to end on the polarity and that is the positive energy associated with fear which means love. My favorite word….although not the highest vibrational word. How can we connect the dots and ultimately get to this higher but not highest vibration. There must be a conscious choice in this road traveled and I encourage one step forward in any direction to move you into realization. Join me as I walk down this perspective in coaching about FEAR.

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