Balanced Body with Ashley Mazurek

BBs4e13 - Stages of Initiation & Growth

Ashley Mazurek on Personal Trainers | Fitness | Business | Clients | Practitioners | Health | Coaching | Build Your Dream ! Season 4 Episode 13

Stages of Initiation/Growth
This podcast is a reminder of the stages one grows through and into as we evolve here in this lifetime. These stages can typically be times of tension, stagnation, suffering….well, not fun times. Ultimately to look at the end and how Death is perceived by you. We have had much death around us with this pandemic and what is your take on what death means to you? This information comes from the works of Joseph Cambell and C. Jung in the book entitled “Reflections on the Art of Living, A Joseph Cambell Companion” by Diane K. Osbon. I enjoy this book and the little section on initiations because it allows us to see where we can reflect and realize our own process of growing. I share this information as an opportunity to find the love within and move into a place of peace with ourself and others.  If there is anyone experiencing chaos in their life and could use some validation to what they may already know within themself then this is a perfect little listen.
Feel free to visit me @ Inst: Balancedbody.ashley, Facebook: “Ashley’s Good Chi Circle, and on my website: ( for other podcasts. Also if you enjoyed the podcast providing a review would help and/or encourage others to listen and heal themselves and/or others. If we are kind than reciprocity says that others will be kind to us.