Balanced Body with Ashley Mazurek

BBs3e6 - Ashley Mazurek Talks the Vagus Nerve.....The Power of Integrative Healing

Ashley Mazurek on Personal Trainers | Fitness | Business | Clients | Practitioners | Health | Coaching | Build Your Dream ! Season 3 Episode 6

I gave this as a Webinar and felt like the information was so useful that I decided to make a “go” of doing it as a podcast. I hope you enjoy it. The objectives are below as to what will be discussed on this podcast. Also I will discuss several easy to do tasks in your day that can strengthen your Vagus nerve. The end has a wonderful meditation that I take you through that can put you in a wonderful place heading into the New Year. 

The Objectives of the information are as follows:

  1. I will describe what the Vagus Nerve is to the body. 
  2. How this nerve affects the mental stability, digestion, inflammation, communication and voice?
  3. How does the Vagus Nerve create Integrative healing?
  4. What are some easy “to do” tasks someone can do to strengthen the Vagus Nerve?
  5. Participate in the Loving-Kindness meditation to experience the toning effect of meditation works. 

Wishing everyone a new perspective of their 2021. Remember “what you practice is what you become.” 
I can be found on:
 Facebook@ Ashley’s Good Chi page
 Insta@ BalancedBody.Ashley

If you are looking for that extra help to get your practice or business going in the right direction then contact Balanced Body to setup an appointment to go from ordinary to extraordinary. Ashley’s Coaching starts with a free 30-minute session she will then apply the information you’ve given her about yourself, your business, hopes and dreams. In this session, you and your coach will look at your business through the lens of a new Perspective, and you’ll see there is a clear path and process to being successful, you will see this direction with new clarity. You’ll understand the steps you need to take to produce immediate results and long-term change in your life and business.