Inspired Soles

Adam Neiles | First-Time Marathoner’s Race Recap (Manitoba Marathon)

Carolyn Coffin and Kim Sankey Episode 198

Adam Neiles is a 27-year-old former football player who now works as a Strength & Conditioning Specialist at Testify Performance in Winnipeg. We first spoke to Adam just a few short months ago (Ep 187) as he was beginning the buildup to his very first marathon…the Manitoba Marathon. At that point he was following a solid plan, spirits were high, and he’d set the goal of finishing in under 4-hours. We thought it would be fitting to have him back to hear how the rest of his training went, and what race day was like. With his signature sense of humour, Adam recounts how he came excruciatingly close to achieving his sub-4 goal, clocking in at 4:02:45. 

As a goal-oriented person, Adam talks about what it was like to navigate his feelings of failure but we  want to publicly state just how proud we are of him. It’s super gutsy to set a challenging goal and go after it, so whether you knock it out of the park or come up short, there is always something to learn for next time. And it sounds like there will be a next time for Adam!

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