Code for Thought
Welcome to Code for Thought, the podcast about software for research and the people who make it. Languages: English, German, French
159 episodes
[EN] An Emerging Voice - Deborah Udoh
I met Deborah at the Research Software Engineering 2024 conference in Newcastle, UK, where she gave an impassioned speech about her drive to carve out a new career and new opportunities in STEM. Here she talks about how she got here and the obs...
Season 9
Episode 3
[DE] Software Kompetenzen in der Wissenschaft - die Tagung in Hannover, Dezember 2024
Deutsche Ausgabe: Vom 2.-4. Dezember 2024 fand in Hannover die Tagung zum Thema Digitale Kompetenzen in der Wissenschaft statt. Mit von der Partie waren ca 35 TeilnehmerInnen aus der Landschaft der Forschungssoftware EntwicklerInnen. Bei...
Season 9
Episode 2
[EN] ByteSized RSE: Gestalt and Data Visualisation - Kirsty Pringle
Happy New Year and Welcome to Season 9 of Code for Thought. The season opens with a ByteSized RSE session - the short online courses with companion episodes for all of you who do science and write code. ByteSized RSE is sponsored by the Univers...
Season 9
Episode 1
[EN] Keeping Time - in Memoriam of David Mills (with Harlan Stenn)
English Edition: In this last episode of 2024 I want to remember David Mills and his work on the Network Time Protocol (NTP). The tool that keeps our machines in sync. David Mills worked closely with Harlan Stenn from the Network Time Fo...
Season 8
Episode 19
[EN] A MOOC for Reproducibility - A Legrand, Ch Pouzat, K Hinsen
English Edition: Arnaud Legrand, Christophe Pouzat and Konrad Hinsen, three French researchers, who went through the pain of making research data and software reproducible. Out of that pain grew a set of online courses. I met ...
Season 8
Episode 18
[FR] Reproductibilité avec GUIX - P-A Bouttier, L Courtes et S Tournier
Edition française: GNU Guix est un gestionnaire de paquets pour GNU/Linux. Ghislain a rencontré Pierre-Antoine Bouttier, Ludovic Courtes et Simon Tournie...
Season 8
Episode 17
[EN] Pascal or the art of keeping things simple - in Memoriam of Niklaus Wirth
English edition [EN]: Niklaus Wirth is one of the computing pioneers and his work inspired many other technologies and a generation of engineers. In this episode I discuss one of his many contributions: the programming language Pascal. A...
Season 8
Episode 16
[EN] ByteSized RSE: Fun with Containers - Simon Li
English edition [EN]: We're kickstarting a round of new ByteSized RSE online classes and podcast episodes with an episode on containers. Focusing on Podman (used in the online class) and Docker. My guest for this episode is Simon Li from...
Season 8
Episode 15
[DE] Eine kleine Reise durch das Land der Hochleistungsrechner - mit Georg Hager
Deutsche Version: In dieser letzten Folge vor Weihnachten treffe ich mich mit Priv. Doz. Dr Georg Hager vom Rechenzentrum der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Georg Hager gibt uns einen kleinen Überblick in die Entwicklung von HPC Rechnern...
Season 8
Episode 14
[EN] Enhancing Science - the eScience Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
English Edition: Home page of the eScience Center
Season 8
Episode 13
[FR] Le calcul quantique à GENCI - Sabine Mehr et Félix Givois
L'édition française: On a beaucoup de promesse sur l'usage du calcul quantique. Ghislain Vaillant discute avec Sabine Mehr et Félix Givois de GENCI (Grand Equipement National de Calcul Intensif) pour jeter un coup d'œil aux couliss...
Season 8
Episode 12
[EN] Champions for Change in research: Imperial College London and Cambridge University
English Edition [EN]: In this episode I am looking at two different champion schemes: one at Imperial College London, focussing on research software and the other at Cambridge University for research data. My guests are Jeremy Cohen...
Season 8
Episode 11
[DE] Suresoft, ein Projekt zur Nachhaltigkeit - mit Jan Linxweiler
Deutsche Ausgabe: Diesmal geht es an die TU Braunschweig, von wo aus Jan Linxweiler uns über seine Arbeit am Suresoft Projekt erzählt - und uns erklärt warum es wichtig ist, nachhaltige Software für die Wissenschaft zu schreiben....
Season 8
Episode 10
[EN] Let there be LUMI (EuroHPC supercomputer) - Kurt Lust
English edition: My guest this week is Kurt Lust from the University of Antwerp (Belgium) and part of the user support team of LUMI (Large Unified Modern Infrastructure). Acc to the website, LUMI is Europe's fastest supercomputer. K...
Season 8
Episode 9
[EN] HPC software installations made EESSI - Alan O'Cais and Kenneth Hoste
English Edition: Meet Kenneth Hoste and Alan O'Cais who will tell us about EESSI,The European Environment for Scientific Software Installation for high performance computing (HPC). Links:
Season 8
Episode 8
[FR] Analyse automatique d’articles encyclopédiques - Alice Brenon (GEODE)
L'édition française: Alice Brenon est une doctorande et chercheuse du CNRS en informatique linguistique au LIRIS (Laboratoire d'InfoRmatique en Image et Systèmes d'information) à Lyon. Alice décrit son engagement dans le projet GEODE (“E...
Season 8
Episode 7
[EN] Championing Research Software Part 1: Champions at Imperial College London
Meet 6 of the research software champions at Imperial College London (UK) who help to create better research - through better software: Alan Xavier, Lukas Kopecky, Jakub Lala, Benjamin Scharpf, Sara Patti and Sneha Jha. Links
Season 8
Episode 6
[EN] BONUS: Green Computing at the RSE Conference 2024 in Newcastle
[EN] English Edition: "Green computing" had a strong showing at the annual conference for Research Software Engineering in Newcastle, UK, early September 2024. I talk to the presenters, poster creator and organisers of the birds of the f...
Season 8
Episode 5
[DE] Stahlwalzungen, Kristalle und Offene Software - mit Ralf Hielscher und Christoph Renzing
Deutsche Ausgabe: in der ersten DE Ausgabe nach der Sommerpause geht es gleich um 2 Open Source Projekte: MTEX und PyRolL. Mit von der Partie sind die Entwickler und Autoren der Softwarepakete Ralf Hielscher (MTEX) und Christoph Renzing ...
Season 8
Episode 4
[EN] Going Large - CERN VM/VMFS - Laura Promberger, Jakob Blomer
ENGLISH EDITION: There are a lot of "large" things at CERN, including the amount of data produced and the software needed to manage and analyse them. In this episode I talk to Laura Promberger and Jakob Blomer from the CERN virtual machine/file...
Season 8
Episode 3
[FR] L'apprentissage automatique et la reproductibilité - avec Pascal Monasse (LIGM)
L'édition française: Ça y est - le premier épisode de Code for Thought en français. Comment reproduire et évaluer l'apprentissage automatique? Publier les résultats de recherche avec les données et le code source? Avec Pa...
Season 8
Episode 2
[EN] Beyond Open Research - Imperial College London
ENGLISH EDITION: Beyond Open Research is a project at Imperial College London (UK), that tries to change research culture more open and transparent. I met with Dr Hamid Khan, who was leading the project and Prof Julie McCann, Vice-Dean f...
Season 8
Episode 1
[EN] Teaser Season 8 - Willkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome
ENGLISH EDITION: Welcome back to Season 8 of Code for Thought. Just before we dive into the new season, this trailer will tell you what lies ahead between September and December 2024.
Season 8
[EN] Planning your research software - a workshop in Paris
In May 2024, I attended a workshop/training course on Software Management Plans (SMP), held at the University Gustave Eiffel east of Paris, France.In this episode I talk to the organisers and participants about why SMPs might be useful and ...
Season 7
Episode 36
[EN] Thriving Ibis or How to thrive in HPC - Dr AJ Lauer
My guest for this episode is Dr AJ Lauer. AJ has been working hard to make the HPC workplace a more open and welcoming environment. She was inclusivity chair at SC21 in St Louis, US and worked with other groups such as Women in HPC. Lately, in ...
Season 7
Episode 35