Your Health Class
Your Health Class is about creating a healthier generation. Back in school we were never taught what foods to eat, how to lose fat, or even how to take care of our body's! But together we can change that by: First, helping you understand how your fat works so that you can lose it! Second, feeling empowered and confident finally having control over your body and fat! Finally, creating a movement! Sharing this information, helping each other, and creating a healthier generation!
Podcasting since 2020 • 172 episodes
Your Health Class
Latest Episodes
Here’s Why You Don’t Need a Meal Plan and What to Do Instead!
I could have a plan with perfect macros, delicious recipes and still not be able to follow it! Think about it… If I hate eating in the morning. I don't have time (or want) to cook all my meals. I'll never be able to follow that plan ...
Season 6
Episode 16
What I Eat in a Day (Plus All the Other Factors for Results)
This is the #1 question I get asked! Yet only a small piece of the equation. So not only will I breakdown what it is I eat, but also what the rest of my lifestyle looks like! Which is just as important for my metabolism!
Season 6
Episode 15
Top 5 Health Books to Take Your Health to the Next Level
Books are by far the most underrated tool you have on your health journey! This is going to be 5 that will be huge on your journey if your goal is to find the perfect balance between health and looking awesome!
Season 6
Episode 14
3 Nutrition Things I’ve Changed My Mind on this Year
One of the most important things on my fitness journey has been learning to change my mind. It’s easy to see great results. Get super excited. Then think that is what is best! So let’s dive into the big topics I’ve learned more about, seen...
Season 6
Episode 13
Your Weekly Tea: Sweetners Effects on Your Microbiome, Protein for Aging, and Cholesterol
Have you noticed there is so much news, yet there is so little productive conversations! That’s where Your Weekly Tea comes in! This will be a show to discuss the latest stories, studies and events that you need to know for better heal...
Season 6
Episode 12