まっちゃん、せっちゃんの Bilingual ごちゃまぜトーク Life Down Under Artwork

まっちゃん、せっちゃんの Bilingual ごちゃまぜトーク Life Down Under

“まっちゃん、せっちゃんの Bilingual ごちゃまぜトーク Life Down Under” is a ごちゃまぜ English and Japanese chit chatty podcast about life in Australia as culturally confused bilingual Japanese adults. We share our experience with studying, working and living in Australia. We’ve also lived in the USA and have a bunch of other life stories to share! Please send us any questions or comments to machan.sechan.downunder@gmail.com. Thanks for listening!

まっちゃん、せっちゃんの Bilingual ごちゃまぜトーク Life Down Under