Mommy Couch Confessions
There's nothing more soothing than comfy clothes and great conversation with your people on a comfy couch, not even the reality of the world can change that. Mommy Couch Confessions is where we millennial women come together just as we are to have honest conversations about all things womanhood and life.
Mommy Couch Confessions
Season 6:Episode #8-Sharing Our Stories
Hey Y'all!
We've all had seasons or life experiences that we've wanted to share to encourage or help guide others. But there are also some things we hold tight and keep close. How do we know the difference between what to keep and what to share? Have you ever felt like sharing your truth would hurt someone else? Or maybe, your truth isn't something you want critiqued or comments about. If you can relate to any of those, join me on the couch where I share how I am navigating through sharing my own story.