The "Win with Cabinets" Podcast
Pluswood Distributors is the Midwest's leading cabinet design and distribution company serving the needs of lumberyards, kitchen & bath dealers, builders, remodelers and designers. Kitchens are the #1 most sought after room in the house. They're also the most complex. We can help. Design inspiration, new trends and ideas, product discussion, and insights from top cabinet manufacturers. You can "Win with Cabinets!" And we'll help you do it. Visit us online at: www.pluswooddistributors.com.
3 episodes
Catching up with Joel Sarvey from Masterbrands...and some BIG news announced for Pluswood!
The Win with Cabinets crew catches up with Joel Sarvey from the Masterbrand family of cabinets to talk, you guessed it, cabinets. The challenges in the industry aren't going away anytime soon, but Joel shares the steps his company is taking to ...
Season 1
Episode 3

Catching up with Brett Gahm and Kitchen Kompact
The Pluswood team visits with Brett Gahm from Kitchen Kompact to hear the latest on the American-made line of stock cabinets, learn a history lesson on how KK came about, and talk about what's next, what's trending, and what builders and indust...
Season 1
Episode 2

Pluswood introduces its new "Win with Cabinets" podcast
As the Midwest's leading cabinet design and distribution company, Pluswood Distributors is breaking new ground bringing innovative ideas and solutions to support its growing network of trade partners. Whether you build single family homes, work...
Season 1
Episode 1