The Hope Matrix

Episode 17: From Hopelessness to Shining Hope on the College Campus, featuring Max Hennessy

Kathryn Goetzke Season 1 Episode 18

Now, more than ever, one is able to see how important it is to manage hopelessness on the college campus. This week’s special guest on the Hope Matrix is Max Hennessy. Max grew up in Norfolk, Virginia and graduated from UVA’s College of Arts and Science this past August with a degree in Religious Studies. He started his first side hustle at 14 years old, reselling vintage video games throughout high school. Then, he created his first company, Icy Threads LLC, where he drop-shipped movie and TV show jerseys to a niche audience across the US. In 2018, he created TMH Business Solutions, a web design and social media marketing company for small businesses and non-profits, which he is still running today. Now, he is in the process of getting his real estate license and wrapping up his first manuscript for Ad Infinitum, which will be released next year with New Degree Press. 

In Episode 18 of the Hope Matrix, Kathryn and Max delve into how Max utilizes his own Stress Skills and Nourishing Networks to SHINE. He additionally speaks on his own experiences with mental health, managing his mindset, and how his transition to college was supported in different ways. He expresses his thoughts on finding ways to start goals, especially when it comes to being in the moment. 

Max and Kathryn delve into how different relationships and resources provide support to those who are feeling despair or helplessness, the two components of hopelessness. Max also speaks on how gratitude has allowed him to realize the importance of always reaching out, and being kind and generous to everyone. 

Max provides insights on how important it is to have support and resources for hopelessness for students on the college campus. If you are interested in connecting with him about mental health, business projects or anything else, Max can be contacted at .

You can learn more about Hopeful Mindsets on the College Campus at