

Malika Dickerson

Founder and host of The New Progressives Podcast, Malika started The New Progressives Podcast back in the summer of 2016 after the nomination of Donald trump as the republican nominee for president. From the very first episode ever published to the most recent, Malika has been spot on with her political and racial analysis of current events. 

A graduate of The Ohio State University, Malika holds a bachelor’s degree in Strategic Communication with a double minor in Political Science and Spanish Education. She combines her education as a communication specialist with her knowledge of politics and current events to produce her style of “no bullshit politics” – telling it “like it T-I is” and pulling no punches in talking and writing about what’s going on.

Tricia Smith

“I love sports, I am a political junkie, and I like to bitch and moan about both – GO CHIEFS!”