The Whole Mama - A Podcast with Jenna Gibbons
Motherhood is life-changing, joyful, and often messy - literally! Join Jenna Gibbons, straight from her barn, as she shares powerful ways to embrace the mess and thrive in motherhood and learning at home. This podcast will empower, educate, and provide the tools to succeed in motherhood and raise compassionate and confident lifelong learners. If you are ready to join a community of mothers ready for change, throw something comfy on, grab a mug of your favorite drink, and start listening!
99 episodes
#48: Feeling Stuck to Becoming Unstoppable with Jessica Dudley
If you need an empowering conversation to comfort you and love on you...you need to listen to this episode!"Jessica Dudley is a certified Christian Inner Healing and Empowerment Coach, specializing in guiding successful, ambitious women...
Season 2
Episode 48

#47: Back to Our Roots + Honoring God's Calling
I met Ciara through mutual friends, and she spent a day with us at our farm school to teach a soap-making class. I was not only blown away by the high-quality products and methods that she used, but was incredibly inspired by her family's...

#46: Raising Strong, God-Centered Families with Topher and Laura Jones
Their story is incredible...you don't want to miss this one!"They have devoted their lives to pursuing Christ, strengthening their marriage, and discipling their children as they prepare them to be truth bearers who will share the love ...
Season 2
Episode 46

#45: Back to the Basics: Cleaner Living with Real Food and Safe Products with Gina Whalen
Join me as I chat with fellow homeschool mama and photographer, Gina Whalen, about her inspiring story of healing and why it's so incredibly important to know what your family is eating and what products you are using in your home. 3...

#44: Homeschool Truths and Empowering Advice to Take the Reins, Pave the Way, and Raise Free Thinkers with Emily Jones (Home Tribe Founder and CEO)
Oh this episode! I was so honored to have Home Tribe Founder and CEO, Emily Jones, on the show to talk about real and truthful ideas around home education and the power we have as parents to equip and lead our children. ...
Season 2
Episode 44

#43: Positive Behavior Tips + A Father's Perspective with Sean Gibbons
My husband, Sean, is an incredible leader of our family and works tirelessly to serve his clients as a behavior analyst in the Nashville area. Join us as we chat all about positive behavior tips, faith, parenting, and more.
Season 2
Episode 43

#42: Honoring God's Calling and Serving Others Through Our Business
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33Justin is a friend and mentor who has inspired myself and many to faithfully follow God'...
Season 2
Episode 42

#41: Finding the Courage to Advocate for Your Child and Reclaim Your Life with Dr. Maureen Michele
Grab your mug and get ready to dive into an incredibly informative chat with Dr. Michele!"Dr. Michele is a pediatrician, life coach, and author who helps parents of chronically ill children learn to thrive instead of survive in their liv...
Season 2
Episode 41

#40 Whole Mama Publishing and Crafting Your 2023 Vision with Meg Gibbons
"2022...thank you for all of the lessons. 2023...I am ready."You will love this mini-cast with my dear friend and sister-in-law Meaghan Gibbons! Meaghan is an editor at Sourcebooks and mama to two incredible kiddos.&...
Season 2
Episode 40

#39: Raising Money Savvy Kids with Sandy Waters and Susan Beacham
"One of the greatest gifts you can give your kids is to prepare them to be responsible, empowered adults around money."-Would you like your kiddo to head into adulthood with a solid understanding of their money?
Season 2
Episode 39

#38: Wild and Free Conference Recap
This conference was everything. It provided incredible inspiration, content, and reassurance about this life decision that we made as a family, and will likely help you too if you have or are at least thinking about homeschooling. <...
Season 2
Episode 38

#37 6 Ways Homeschooling is Ministry for Your Family
“You are the curator of their childhood. You are the one who can show them the joys of a simple life. Teach them to appreciate what is around them. Practice slow living, don’t rush through life with them. Have them bake ...
Season 37
Episode 2

#36: How to Make Stress-Free Meals and Run a Business with Megan Porta
It was such an honor have my dear friend, food blogger, and fellow podcaster, Megan Porta, on the show as she shares fun and innovative ways to raise happy and eager eaters. She also shares how she manages her online business AND thrives ...
Season 36
Episode 2

#35: Let Them Be Wild and Free
Let us protect and honor the sacredness of childhood and our relationship with God's natural world while fostering the development of the whole child. Let us help them become who they are called to be in this world. "Educating...
Season 35
Episode 2

#34: Comforting a Mama’s Heart During a Formula Shortage
"U.S. stores report an estimated 40 percent shortage of infant formula, causing stress, anger and even panic among parents, grandparents and other caregivers who rely on formula to sustain their little one." "Parents of formula-fed ...
Season 2
Episode 34

#33: Intentional Parenting – Simple Ways to Be More Present
Why is our presence so important? Our presence is important because we are a constant model and reminder for our kids of how to approach the world. How to raise a family. How to love and serve in a marriage. How to appro...
Season 2
Episode 33

#32: Use Your SMARTs with Internet Safety - Advice from 6th Grade Students
Join me for a quick chat with some sweet 6th graders all about using your "SMARTs" for Internet safety. What are the SMARTs? S - Be SafeM - Don't Meet Up A - Accepting ...
Season 2
Episode 32

#31: Find Your Homeschool Style
According to the US Census Bureau (USCB) Household Pulse Survey, "the number of parents choosing to homeschool grew from 3.2 million to at least 5 million between March 2020 and the start of the 2020–21 school year."Homeschooling parent...
Season 2
Episode 31

#30: We Are Called
We are called to a purpose in this life…and it’s the journey to find that calling that we often find ourselves on. My devotional this week touched on how "often do we allow fear to paralyze us. We sit and wait until we are no...
Season 2
Episode 30

#29: Raising Our Kids to do Hard Things
Ever wonder how to teach your kids to fight fear, live bravely, and overcome hard things? Ever been nervous that your child won’t have the life-skills and character that you hope they will? Today, we’re going to break it all ...
Season 2
Episode 29

#28: Loving On Our Kids Through World Conflict
We are currently observing a moment of devastating loss, destruction, and, at the same time, absolute heroism as Russia attempts to invade Ukraine as the people of Ukraine defend their home.So, how can we help during this time of feeling...
Season 2
Episode 28

#27: 6 Steps to Create Your Homeschool Mission Statement
“The home is the first and most effective place to learn the lessons of life: truth, honor, virtue, self-control, the value of education, honest work, and the purpose and privilege of life. Nothing can take the place of home in rearing and teac...
Season 2
Episode 27

#26: Love of LEGOS with Special Guest Rowan
Did you know that Lego means “play well” in Danish?Check out this episode with my son, Rowan, that shares a quick history of Legos, the benefits of Legos, how to incorporate them into learning, and how to get started TODAY!NOTE:&...
Season 2
Episode 26

#25: Your Morning Routine
Did you know that the first thing you do in the morning will affect the rest of your day? Do you have a morning routine? Do you wake up frazzled when your kids come rushing in? All of this can have immense influence on ...
Season 2
Episode 25

#24: The Differences Between Remote Learning, Online Schooling, and Homeschooling
If you are a parent, chances are you have spent a lot of time wondering how, where, and when your child will be educated for the 2021-2022 school year. The question for many is which avenue to take, and many people confuse online s...
Season 2
Episode 24