SPRG Chatroom
SPRG Chatroom is a podcast hosted by Strategic Public Relations Group - one of the largest PR networks in Asia Pacific. We hope to use this platform to exchange ideas on top trending topics.
11 episodes
環球經濟不景,各種投資產品節節敗退。縱橫財經公關董事總經理Iris Lee請來香港著名股評人「青姐」胡孟青女士來到SPRG Chatroom探討逆市下的自保之法,為您一一分析股市、外匯、樓市以至強積金的前景。
Season 1
Episode 11
What organisations should do to attract and retain talent – an in-depth conversation about the latest trends in human resources management
Attracting the right talent and ensuring they stay and grow with a company is a key business priority. Alvin Leung, Regional Head, Learning Academy of PERSOLKELLY Consulting Group, shared his insights on trending topics in human resources manag...
Season 1
Episode 10
Start-Up Nation: Helping Israeli Companies Succeed in China
As Israel and China celebrate 30 years of diplomatic relations, Arthur and Lior reflect on the success of the SPRG/Silk Road partnership as well as discuss important factors for brand development in the region. Furthermore, they will deliberate...
Season 1
Episode 9
評析行政長官2021年施政報告 — 「北部都會區」
Season 1
Episode 8
評析行政長官2021年施政報告 — 「經濟新動力」
亞聯政經顧問總裁陳景祥(KC)邀請了香港大學經管學院經濟學教授、香港經濟及商業策略研究所副總監鄧希煒(Heiwai) 就2021施政報告中部份重點交流看法。
Season 1
Episode 7
B2B Digital Marketing Landscape in China
Johnson Duan, Senior Director of SPRG Shanghai, has shared his insights into the Business to Business (B2B) digital marketing landscape in APAC, particularly Mainland China in the latest SPRG Chatroom with Pauline Yoong, General Manager of
Season 1
Episode 6
疫情為投資者關係工作帶來的轉變及應對策略 (Language: Cantonese)
疫情為投資者關係帶來了契機,今集SPRG Chatroom邀請到香港投資者關係協會主席陳綺華博士與縱橫財經公關董事總經理陳曼菁女士,一起探討疫情為投資者關係工作帶來的轉變及應對策略。
Season 1
Episode 5
台灣網絡生態及聲譽管理 (Language: Putonghua)
每個地方、每個社群都有其獨一無二的網絡生態。今集SPRG Chatroom請來我們台北分公司兩位同事Nancy 及 Steve ,為我們介紹一下當地的網絡生態,並以案例解釋在這樣的環境下公關顧問如何為企業建立及管理聲譽。
Season 1
Episode 4
Evolution of the PR industry and how PR agencies need to transform to fit in.
The PR industry’s landscape and the role of PR consultants have been evolving over the past decades and the ongoing pandemic has even dramatically accelerated further this evolution. In the latest episode of SPRG Chatroom, we have invi...
Season 1
Episode 3
Corporate sustainability - Why companies should develop policies on sustainability
Sustainability has become a buzzword in recent years, taking on increasing significance among corporates. But what exactly is corporate sustainability and why should companies develop relevant policies? In the 2nd episode of SPRG Ch...
Season 1
Episode 2
Highlights from Singles' Day 2020 and trends in China's e-commerce landscape
In the first episode of SPRG Chatroom, Arthur R. Hagopian, Senior Director Global Strategy/Digital of SPRG Beijing, will talk about the trends that emerged from the highly popular 2020 Singles' Day, as well as development of e-commerce in the P...
Season 1
Episode 1