The Legal Bench
Legal news of interest to South Carolina businesses from the team at Collins & Lacy law firm.
62 episodes
Meet The New Guy - Attorney Ty Zeigler
In the first episode of a new series on The Legal Bench Podcast, Collins & Lacy President/CEO Christian Stegmaier interviews attorney Ty Zeigler, one of the firm's newer lawyers.

Be the Hero: The Role of the Defense Lawyer in a World of Complacency
In an insurance defense model, it’s easy to think of the carrier as the client. They are, after all, the ones paying the bills. They set guidelines, dictate reporting requirements, and ultimately decide whether to settle or proceed to trial. Bu...

In Conversation With: Kenny Berger
“In Conversation With” is a continuing series on the Legal Bench Podcast hosted by Christian Stegmaier, Collins & Lacy President and Chief Executive Officer, where he engages with influential South Carolinians who are making significant imp...

In Conversation With David Yarborough
“In Conversation With:” is a new series on the Legal Bench Podcast hosted by Christian Stegmaier, Collins & Lacy President and Chief Executive Officer wherein he interviews influential South Carolinians who dominate the conversation in our ...

Service And Support Animals In Retail And Hospitality Businesses
What is the difference between a Service and an emotional support animal?Do both command the same rights in retail and hospitality settings?Collins & Lacy law clerk Abigail Johanson explores the topic with her guest, Rebecca...

Consumer Legal Funding
In a follow-up to his podcast episode on third-party lawsuit funding, Collins & Lacy attorney Andy Smith now turns his attention to consumer legal funding, often another component of supporting plaintiffs who are filing lawsuits. <...

Third Party Litigation Funding
Third-party funding of litigation is a trend on the rise. In this episode, Collins & Lacy attorney Andy Smith talks with Natalie Ford, an Honors College student at the University of South Carolina who is writing her thesis on this topic.&nb...

Workforce And The Restaurant/Hospitality Industry
How do employee benefits contribute toward recruiting and retaining employees, as well as their mental and physical wellbeing?Collins & Lacy's Christian Stegmaier, leader of the firm's retail and hospitality practice group, has a sp...

Economic Climate And The Restaurant & Hospitality Industry
What follows is the second episode in a series recorded at the 2023 South Carolina Restaurant and Hospitality Association Conference in Greenville, South Carolina.Collins & Lacy's Retail & Hospitality chair, and firm president, C...

A Conversation With Susan Cohen, President & CEO Of The South Carolina Restaurant & Lodging Association
What are the top goals for South Carolina Restaurant & Lodging Association for 2024?Collins & Lacy president and chair of the firm's Retail & Hospitality practice group, Christian Stegmaier, speaks with association President...

The 2023 State Of Captive Insurance In South Carolina
Captive Insurance companies are becoming a bigger part of the insurance landscape in South Carolina as businesses look for alternative strategies to insure their risks.As a leading state to domicile a captive, South Carolina continues t...

Mediation Journal - Attorneys Need To Get To Work In Mediation
Collins & Lacy Shareholder, and Chair of the Retail & Hospitality practice group, Christian Stegmaier, shares new insights on mediation.Have lawyers have become increasingly lazier at mediation? Whether it’s preparing for it, pr...

Trucking And Marijuana
While marijuana is not legal in South Carolina, many truckers drive through state where the substance has been legalized. In additional, there are DELTA 8 and CBD products available most everywhere. Collins & Lacy trucking atto...

Employee Retention in Trucking and Road Construction
What actions are forward-thinking managers taking in the trucking industry to retain and promote their employees?Collins and Lacy attorney Rob Peele talked with Palmetto Corp’s CEO Shawn Godwin at the 2023 South Carolina Trucking Associa...

The Role Of Data In Combating The Reptile Theory
What’s can be helpful in painting a more accurate picture of trucking companies when they are involved in litigation.Collins and Lacy trucking attorney, Rob Peele, spoke with the CEO of BlueWire, Steven Bryan, and SC Trucking Association...

Columbia’s Evolving Main Street: A Conversation with Matt Kennell, Civic Visionary
There’s a new trend called “Third Space” in the retail and hospitality industry. Learn more now with Collins & Lacy Retail and Hospitality practice group leader, Christian Stegmaier and his guest, Matt Kennell, President and CEO for Columbi...

DELTA 8 THC In Consumer Products
In a popular, recent blog article, Collins & Lacy retail and hospitality attorney, Evan Gessner, outlined the legal aspects associated with DELTA 8 product sales and usage. Visit collinsandlacy.com to read the article.Today, Gessner ...

"Lead With Need" In Mediations
How can "Leading With Need" combat a reptilian approach by some plaintiff attorneys? Recorded live at the South Carolina Captive Insurance Association annual conference, Collins & Lacy defense attorney Robert Peele talks to Rick Farlow of H...

Captive Insurance, Fleet Vehicles and Telematics
Recorded live at the 2022 South Carolina Captive Insurance Association conference, Collins & Lacy defense attorney, Robert Peele, talks with Gary Osborne of Risk Partners.

Global Captive Management Operations Growing, Especially In South Carolina
Recorded live at the 2022 South Carolina Captive Insurance Association annual meeting, Collins & Lacy defense attorney, Robert Peele, talks with Anne Marie Towle of the Hylant Company.

State Of Captive Insurance Companies In South Carolina
What's the latest on the universe of captive insurance companies choosing to domicile in South Carolina.Recorded live at the 2022 South Carolina Captive Insurance Association Meeting in Charleston, SC, Collins & Lacy defense attorne...

Data-Centered Trucking Insurance For The Future
How is technology being utilized to encourage safer driving by trucking professionals while reducing emergency events and resulting in lower insurance premiums.Collins & Lacy shareholder and trucking defense attorney, Robert Peele, ...

Pinball And Minors
Did you know that it is illegal for minors to play pinball in South Carolina?How did this law come into existence and what measures are underway for its repeal?Collins & Lacy defense attorney, and member of the retail and ho...

South Carolina Roads, Bridges and Infrastructure
What's happening with state and federal funds with regards to repairing South Carolina's roads, bridges and infrastructure.Collins & Lacy defense attorney, Luke Richardson, talks with of South Carolina Alliance To Fix Ou...

Making Truck Fleets Safer For Drivers And The Motoring Public
Recorded LIVE at the 2022 South Carolina Trucking Association Annual Meeting, Michael Burney, Director of Business Development for Collins & Lacy defense attorneys, talks with Vernon Rutland of Swafford Trucking and Thad Wharton of the Knig...