For the Gospel Podcast
For the Gospel, with Costi Hinn, provides sound doctrine for everyday people through topical teaching, special guest interviews, and listener Q&As. This podcast will inspire you to grow in truth and live for the gospel of Jesus Christ.
225 episodes
Decision-Making Cripplers
In this episode, Costi Hinn exposes the decision-making cripplers that keep us from making great decisions and walking in God’s will. Every important decision should be analyzed and prayerfully processed, but nobody should be paralyzed by not k...
Episode 228

God's Will for Every Christian
The most important question anyone could ever ask is, "How do I know what God’s will is for my life?" In this episode, Costi Hinn begins a 3-part series exploring how to understand and walk in God's will, starting with 10 things that are God's ...
Episode 227

Eradicating Unkindness
While we desire kindness to flow naturally from our lives, our sin nature as humans can make it difficult. In this episode, Costi Hinn examines three "kindness killers" and then turns to the Bible to reveal four ways to eradicate unkindness.
Episode 226

3 Keys to Being Kind
Kindness seems to be in short supply today, evident in everything from online arguments to road rage and church divisions. As Christians, this is a problem because kindness is a fruit of the Spirit, and its scarcity means we're not reflecting C...
Episode 225

Resolution: Safeguard Your Trust
In this episode, Costi Hinn explores the importance of safeguarding your trust in friendships and relationships and provides practical advice and questions to help you evaluate the relationships that are shaping your life.
Episode 224

Resolution: Steward Your Treasure
In this episode, Costi Hinn reminds us that where we spend our money reveals what we truly prioritize. Money is a reflection of the heart, magnifying our love for either earthly or heavenly things. It’s not about the amount, but the attitude; w...
Episode 223

Resolution: Submit Your Talents
In this episode, Costi Hinn reminds us that our talents are not our own. They are meant to be surrendered to God for His glory, which leads to true fulfillment found only in dedicating our abilities to His purpose.
Episode 222

Resolution: Strengthen Your Temple
God has entrusted us with the responsibility to steward our bodies and we are called to maximize the way we live out the days He has appointed for us. The difference between a life fully lived for His glory and one wasted with minimal effort ma...
Episode 221

Resolution: Strategize Your Time
To kick off the year, we're launching a podcast series designed to transform your life! In the first episode, Costi Hinn shares 9 powerful strategies for managing your time wisely, helping you honor God by using your time according to His calli...
Episode 220

Using Technology to Advance the Gospel
In this episode, Costi Hinn explains the heart behind the mission of translating For The Gospel's content into Spanish with the launch of our new page Para El Evangelio.Follow our new Spanish page: @paraelevangelio on Instagram/Face...
Episode 219

The Final Episode (Of 2024)
In the final podcast episode of 2024, Costi Hinn recaps what the Lord has done in this record-breaking year for FTG and outlines what is in store for the ministry in 2025.
Episode 218

What Jesus’ Birth Means for You
In this episode, Costi Hinn considers the hope found in the words of Isaiah 9:6-7 and reflects on what the birth of Christ means for us.
Episode 217

Why Did Mary Have to Be a Virgin?
One of the most important questions someone could ever ask is: Why is the Virgin Birth an essential Christian belief? Costi Hinn continues his Christmas podcast series by answering this question and highlights important truths as he walks throu...
Episode 216

4 Reasons Jesus Was Born
This week, Costi Hinn kicks off a 3-week series that will help keep the hope and meaning of Christmas in the forefront of your mind. All three of these episodes will tie into essentials of the Christian faith that every follower of Jesus should...
Episode 215

Christmas, Anxiety, & Christ (w/ Jonny Ardavanis)
In this episode, Costi Hinn and Jonny Ardavanis talk about how to come alongside those who are hurting or filled with anxiety during the Christmas season and discuss practical ways to serve others and walk with people who might be silently suff...
Episode 214

The Leaders of Our Worship (W/ Sovereign Grace Music)
Much of today’s music scene and worship culture in the church prioritizes talent over character. In many churches, the ability to sing or play with excellence exceeds the need for spiritual maturity, character, and in some cases, genuine conver...

The Style of Our Worship (w/ Sovereign Grace Music)
Should a church turn the lights down, unleash the fog machine, and laser light the stage to help people have a more engaging worship experience? Does it matter if a worship service is presented in a trendy way? If creativity is a gift from God,...
Episode 212

Theology In Our Music (w/ Sovereign Grace Music)
It was John Piper who once said, "A congregation learns its theology by the songs they sing, not just by the preaching they hear.” Doctrine matters in our music, and it’s vital that churches and leaders think through more than just the sound of...
Episode 211

The Expression of Our Worship (w/ Sovereign Grace Music)
Expression in worship can often be relegated to the extremes of “emotionalism” or “stoicism.” Some argue that raising our hands in a worship service is nothing more than charismatic disorder, while others insist that if you don’t cry or shout d...
Episode 210

How to Share the Gospel
In this week's podcast episode, Costi Hinn gives practical wisdom about the essentials of sharing the gospel and counsels on how to create and make the most of opportunities that will change someone's life.
Episode 209

The Devastating Effects of the Prosperity Gospel in Africa (w/ Conrad Mbewe)
In this special episode of the For The Gospel podcast, Conrad Mbewe sits down with Costi Hinn at the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, KY to talk about the exportation of the prosperity gospel from North America to Africa and the havoc it wreaks a...
Episode 208

What The Gospel Is Not
As a ministry that focuses on the truth… we are for the gospel. But by the very definition of being for something, that means we are then against what contradicts what we are for. In light of this, Costi Hinn continues his ser...
Episode 207

What Is the Gospel?
Many Christians think they know the gospel because they've heard it before, but there is a big difference between “hearing” and “knowing.” The sign of truly knowing something is being able to articulate it, and that is where many of us need to ...
Episode 206