The Normal Kind of Disabled Podcast Artwork Image

The Normal Kind of Disabled

Jenny Watts

There will not be one topic off limits as I uncover my story & experience of what it is like being & becoming "The Normal Kind Of Disabled”. My name is Jenny Watts and I am just simply a woman with a disability who after having my disability for a decade, dealing with the magnitude of it by myself due to the lack of support & knowledge out there, lead me to a destination I like to call breakdown central where I had the luxury of experiencing the biggest nervous breakdown that almost cost me my life. Now having got my life back on track, reflecting upon all the lessons learned an hindsight to date. In this first Normal Kind of Disabled podcast series I will discuss topics that I feel play a big part in living a life alongside a disability or illness and everything I have learnt in regards to them and advice for others experiencing this journey. Topics such as diagnosis, re-connecting with family and friends, how to manage and kick bad habits and substances we may find ourselves abusing to get through the day, relationships, sex, anxiety, re-connecting with ourselves, coping methods, pain, you name it my blabber mouth is discussing it and highlighting what the very real honest realities of what living with a disability or illness can be like.... all BS aside!.
If you could go back in time and pick not having your illness or disability or being the person you are today what would you choose ? - Holly and Leukemia Episode 4April 23, 2022
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Every single person deserves the right to be truly seen for the entirety of who they are - Holly and Leukemia Episode 3February 12, 2022
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Dating is like digging through a wheelie bin at the best of times but when you've got cancer its even worse - Holly and Leukemia Episode 2January 14, 2022
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Introduction to Holly & Leukaemia - In order to know why she thinks and feels the way she does, you firstly have to understand where she has been, the things she has seen and the journey she has been on !December 29, 2021
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Beware of the very real trap that exists out there in this world, which is for your job in society is to be disabled full stop ! Cause eruptions, cause explosions, express and be you! - Work Part 2January 07, 2021
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There isn't a human being alive who gets through the day without some level of work being done, Aint nobody round here not working !! - Work part 1January 06, 2021
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Sometimes people have to almost die before they give themselves permission to truly live ! - Keeping Positive & Healthy Part 2January 06, 2021
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Don't be afraid of the unpredictability of life or the unpredictability of who you are - Keeping Positive & Healthy Part 1 January 06, 2021
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For a kick off i will not be categorised as "disabled people" when it comes to dating, your dating me sunshine not the United Nations! - Relationships Part 2December 14, 2020
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How did a robotting real housewife of nowhere land who jumped off at breakdown central learned to reconnect with herself ? - Reconnecting Part 2December 14, 2020
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I don't think living in fear or causing harm towards ourselves or other people, is who us as human beings are meant to be - Relationships part 1December 09, 2020
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I don't want to live my life without ever living my life, because I'm disabled - Reconnecting Part 1December 08, 2020
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A diagnosis may come and go, but fully graduating as disabled is forever ! - DiagnosisDecember 07, 2020
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Trauma, who's traumatised ?! I have not even cried once... December 04, 2020
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A broken society has taught us that being disabled is a bad thing, so instead we learned to Hide & Deny who we truly are - Hiding & DenyingDecember 04, 2020
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What price would you mentally pay to be able to physically recover ? - Recovery Part 2December 03, 2020
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Is there even such a thing as recovery from becoming disabled ?!? - Recovery Part 1December 03, 2020
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Pain Management....What Pain Management ?!December 02, 2020
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Who is this chick ? & What on earth is The Normal Kind of Disabled ?December 01, 2020
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