Shouts of Grace Radio
Podcast feed for Shouts of Grace Radio, a weekly discussion with Pastors Steve Pierson of Redemption Hill Church and various guests. Shouts of Grace is a topical show providing practical application of Biblical truths to every day life. Includes occasional interviews with guests. Shouts of Grace airs first on Key Radio in Provo Utah, and is an outreach partnership between both churches and Key Radio. Contact us at www.rhutah.church/contact
241 episodes
Church Hurt: Part 2 (Ep. 265)
Pastor Steve continues the series, "Church Hurt", sharing why Jesus is and should always be THE authority between you and God.

Pastor Steve - Jude (Ep. 264)
Pastor Steve dives into Jude for part of this series, where God calls His people out of mediocrity and sin, into a life with Him.

Church Hurt: Part 1 (Ep. 263)
Pastor Steve starts a series titled, "Church Hurt". In part 1, he discusses how leadership in churches can hurt people and how to safeguard yourself.

Do You Do Right To Be Angry?: Jonah 4 (Ep. 262)
Pastor Jason wraps up the book of Jonah with Jonah chapter 4, discussing whether Jonah was right to be angry about God's mercy for Nineveh.

Jonah Goes To Ninevah: Jonah 3 (Ep. 261)
Pastor Steve continues in Jonah, speaking on the hope a person may have in repentance.

Jonah's Prayer: Jonah 2 (Ep. 260)
Pastor Steve reads through Jonah Chapter 2, teaching about how God corrects those He loves and the lessons within the storm.

"Like A Mighty Army" Part 2 (Ep. 259)
Pastor Jason continues for part 2 of his sermon on Mark 16:15-20 and Matthew 28:18-20; God's command for us to "Go into all the world and preach the gospel."Because God's heart is for ALL people.

"Like A Mighty Army" Part 1 (Ep. 258)
Pastor Jason is bringing us the Word today in Mark 16:15-20 and Matthew 28:18-20; God's command for us to "Go into all the world and preach the gospel."

The Resurrection: Part 2 (Ep. 257)
Pastor Steve from Redemption Hill Church continues his 2-part sermon on Mark 16, Jesus' resurrection.

The Resurrection: Part 1 (Ep. 256)
Pastor Steve dives into Mark 16, speaking on the resurrection of Jesus. Part 1 of a 2-part series.

Get Ready To Meet Jesus (Ep. 255)
Pastor Steve speaks on urgent messages throughout the Bible (particularly Mark 13), when God tells His people to get ready and prepare for what is to come.

"Jesus Stands Silent" Part 1 (Ep. 254)
Pastor Steve dives into Mark 14:51-65, outlining why each of us are Barabas from the passage.

Betrayal With A Kiss (Ep. 253)
Pastor Steve dives into Mark 14:43-50, Speaking about the difference between Judas and Peter when accepting God's grace after both betraying Him.

"Alabaster Heart" (Ep. 252)
Pastor Steve reading through Mark 14, showcasing two types of faith in the same room - One real and one fake.

"A Reason For Joy" (Ep. 251)
Join Pastor Jason teaching on Isaiah 9:1-7, showing us our true reason for joy this season.

Mark 12; "The Greatest Commandment" (Ep. 250)
Pastor Jason reading through Mask 12:28-37, working backwards through the chapter to understand what the greatest commandment is and why.

"Rooted In Delight" (Ep. 249)
Pastor Jason Benson speaks on Psalm chapter 1 - How to find delight in the Lord, changing our hearts for the better.

"He is not God of the dead, but of the living" Part 2 (Ep. 248)
Pastor Steve is continuing through Mark 12:13-27 for this two part sermon.

"He is not God of the dead, but of the living" Part 1 (Ep. 247)
Pastor Steve is in Mark 12:13-27 for this two part sermon.

"The Triumphal Entry" (Ep. 244)
Pastor Steve dives into Mark 11:1-26 with "The Triumphal Entry" of Jesus riding in on a donkey and cursing the fig tree.

"Don't You Care?" (Ep. 243)
Pastor Robert Marshall, diving into Mark 4:38 with a message entitled, "Don't You Care?"

"Come Home" (Ep. 242)
Pastor Steve's sermon at Redemption Hill Church about finishing strong. No matter how this world may pull us away, we come home to the Lord.

Mark 10: Rich Man (Ep. 240)
Pastor Steve at Redemption Hill Church continues with Mark 10. The rich man in Mark 10 receives a surprising truth; having riches doesn't get you any closer to the Lord.