The Power of 30

The Problem with Goals; A Books and Bones; Motivational Book Club episode!

Sally & Dannii Season 3 Episode 3

We are big fans of goal setting, we talk about it a LOT because it's something so many people don't do, especially in our world. Or their goal is simply a number on the scale (or rather off it), something that's over simplified and doesn't reflect the actions needed, how often they should be repeated and over what time.

So are we about to back track over all of that?

No, but we're very glad we chose the book Atomic Habit by James Clear as our first book club book because he has brought to light some of the problems with goals.

In this episode we specifically look at pages 24-27 and the problems James Clear highlights:

  1. Winners and losers have the same goals, so, there's more to this than simply writing your goal down - we've been lied to!
  2. Achieving a goal is only a momentary change. What matters is the things you do (or change) to get there. Are you even celebrating the right things?
  3. Goals restrict your happiness, by creating a belief you can only be happy if you achieve it. Again, we've been lied to here!
  4. Goals are at odds with long-term progress. What happens after ward? Similar to number 2, we can create a yo-yo effect by being to focussed on goals, meaning any changes we make are temporary and aimed solely at achieving the goal.

We even bring in some problems of our own, because despite being fans of goal setting, we know there are problems with it otherwise everyone would do it AND everyone would achieve them!

And don't worry, we don't leave it there with just the problems, we also talk through the solutions too!

James Clear explains; “you do not rise to the level of your goals you fall the level of your systems”, and is that doesn't change the game for you I don't know what will!

It's not the goal that changes your life, it's the systems and the standards you choose to help you achieve the goal that count. Tony Robbins once said "If you sincerely want to change your life, raise your standards. What changes people is when their shoulds become musts”

But first, you must start showing up! 

This book could make a whole podcast itself, there is so much in it. If you only take on this small section it could change your life, indeed, if it doesn't then did you even read it?

James Clear is driven by a passion for improving your quality of life with very small changes. Coach Sall created a video for the book club all about this theme within the book, you can watch it here.

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Places to find us;
Books & Bones; Motivational Book Club
Curves Coach
Sall Peacock