The Power of 30

What Does Success Look Like?

Sally & Dannii Season 3 Episode 4

In this episode we're taking a close look at what success looks like - sometimes before we decide we've failed we  need to decide what success actually looks like FOR US. 

We're asking:

  1. What do you consider success?
  2. What have you succeeded at in life that you would celebrate?

So many people, especially women are unable to see or celebrate their own success. We’re conditioned that it’s only one way - the BIG way! The big promotion of the big weight loss.

We need to remember the small successes and achievements along the way. When you first start working towards a goal you'll be excited and motivated. We've talked in the past about needing some discipline to keep that going, and it's that discipline that gives you success and that's what you need to celebrate to stay motivated.

We often have caveats for our own successes compared to others - we can easily how small things count as success when we are cheering on others but not for us for some reason. 

Why are we afraid to celebrate success? Do we feel like it's bragging?

Is our reluctance to celebrate success about our ego and our self-worth or is it about what we did?

Link to our rewards episode as we discuss their importance in this process (Coach Sall's a convert!)

What you need to do is define your success before you start - set your goal first, and decide what your success looks like and get it written down. Try identifying 3 outcomes:

  1. What would you be satisfied with?
  2. What would be great?
  3. What would be stellar?

It's important to keep in mind we’re often setting our goals that we’ve never achieved before. How do we know what success looks like?

We need to get specific, not what does weight loss look like, what does weight loss look for you?

If you are never meeting your own definition of success then something needs to change, start by listening to our episode on perfectionism

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Books & Bones; Motivational Book Club
Curves Coach
Sall Peacock