The Power of 30

No Pain No Gain! (Including; Exercising with an auto-immune condition)

Sally & Dannii Season 3 Episode 13

Listener Request!

Let's talk about pain or discomfort you might experience when working out. 

Should you work through it? Is it ever good? What about when you're sick - workout or not? In this episode we cover;

  • Coming to the gym with an injury
  • Auto-immune conditions
  • When you’re not well


  • How injuries occur and types of injuries
  • How you can rehabilitate a muscle and make it Stronger by using it
  • Movement is GOOD for our bodies
  • Movement increases blood flow to an injury helping it to heal
  • Physio Exercises - love them or hate them  - do them as often as you can
  • If an exercise a physio prescribes seems strange remember it’s about how your body functions, so often a physio exercise may not appear to affect the injured area

Why do we get sore after a workout - what's normal and what's not?

  • Soreness is caused by overload creating micro-tears
  • Micro-tears are how Strength Training works
  • The main cause of micro-tears are eccentric contractions, which is a lowering of the weight where the muscle if lengthening under load
  • Stretching helps by lengthening and smooth out the muscle fibres and reduce the soreness

Skeletal Pain - if you feel pain in your bones and joints, stop what you are doing, seek advice from a professional.

Key take-aways;

  • Pain is not the same as discomfort.
  • Pain does not validate your workout as a good or beneficial workout (and neither does sweating btw!)

Exercising with an auto-immune condition (E.g. Fibromyalgia, polymyalgia, rhumatoid arthritis)

  • When you are living with a life limiting condition, and you want to be living your best life - go and do your exercise.
  • The most immediate benefit of exercise is your mental health, so exercise is really beneficial for anyone with an auto-immune condition. 
  • Moving your body is how it was designed to work best. 
  • If you have an auto-immune condition learn how exercise can make your body feel better, not put it under more stress.

What about exercising when you feel ill?

  • Don’t workout when you are not very well!
  • There are no benefits of working out if you might be coming down with something
  • Once those critical few days are passed, get back to it, move your body, raise your core temp, get the blood flow going

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