Studio Within Podcast

32. How to Support Someone Whose Mental Health is Suffering

Saara Sihvonen

It’s Mental Health Awareness Month! So, let’s take a moment to check in with our mental health, but also shed light on how you can support loved ones who struggle with mental illness. 

In this episode of Studio Within, I share tips and advice for supporting people who are suffering. Whether it’s your friend, your partner, a family member, or a stranger who happens to be pouring their heart out to you, these insights will help you be present with someone when they are hurting. [Disclaimer: This information is not meant to treat mental illness or substitute professional medical advice, counseling, or therapy.]

Let’s make each other feel seen, heard, and understood instead of judged or overlooked. Practice deep listening, hold space for all emotions and reactions, and then ask, “what does support from me look like to you now?”

Go to the show notes here