MatChat with Mina Blair

How a trip to Bali was a lesson in awareness, intention and leaps of faith with Kalina Mileva

Have you had moments in your life when you just knew in your heart that a decision was right?  Even though perhaps it seemed like a risk at the time and the outcome was uncertain?  This is called a leap of faith, and in my experience, these decisions are the most rewarding.

I took a leap of faith this year that inviting a friend I had met online, but not in person, on a trip to Bali was going to be great and it was in fact more!  Kalina and I got in touch through a 300 hour advanced yoga teacher training course online (Akasha Yoga Academy) and it felt absolutely right that we would go on this adventure together, meeting up for the first time at Singapore Airport to catch a flight to Bali.

It was three weeks of raised awareness and deep self-reflection like only a trip to a faraway, challenging environment can give.  Third World Asia is a place of extreme contrasts - the beauty of the jungle vs the rubbish/plastic pollution, the multiplying holiday villas for wealthy Westerners vs the dwindling homes for the native monkeys.  The poor state of the infrastructure and traffic chaos vs the kindness and generosity of the deeply spiritual Balinese people.  And the uninterrupted, unforgiving heat and humidity.

Join us as we discuss what we learned about judgement, karma, making the choice about what attitude to lead with in life (open heart) and what to let go (anger, fear).  But most of all, about the gifts that come when we surrender and trust.