MatChat with Mina Blair

Bringing chanting back into the mainstream with James Boag

Mina Blair

What is the common thread that runs through every human culture through the millenia?  It's so simple:  gathering around a fire, sharing food, sharing stories and singing.  A practice of collective sharing that connects and binds us together as sentient beings.  

Dropping into the modern world, in some places this tradition has been lost, largely in the West.  You will find group singing in school/church/professional choirs of course, but not as a regular activity for most people.  Not so in India.  Chanting is very much alive and well here, it's considered just one of many tools to practice yoga.

James Boag, an English yogi, discovered this during his many years living in SE Asia and India and himself developed a love of this tradition.  He now hosts kirtans as part of his yoga offering wherever he finds himself in the world.  A kirtan is a devotional song in which a group repeats the lines sung by a leader.  What has he learned from this part of his yoga practice?

  • Chanting not only connects us to others but to ourselves
  • Chanting has the power to invoke specific energies/intentions
  • Chanting has physiological benefits including reducing stress

And more.  So why does the invitation to chant precipitate shyness and awkwardness?  Join us to learn more and discover why we should all be chanting!

Find James:
YouTube: james boag yoga youtube channel
Instagram: @jamesboagyoga