MatChat with Mina Blair

What is your relationship to change? with Mina

Mina Blair

I'm going solo this time, and inspired by the imminent shift in seasons from summer to autumn, the subject of this podcast is CHANGE.  And my question to you is: what is your relationship with change?  Do you resist change or can you "go with the flow"?

There have been some recent developments that have made me pause and reflect on how I feel about change, whether it's uncomfortable or comfortable.  The reality is that change is happening all the time, it is the nature of the manifest world in which we live.  Our environment is changing - think of the seasons, climate change etc.  Our bodies are in continuous flux as we age.

So it's interesting that we think we can influence the evolving nature and consequence of time!  Our egoic mind distracts us with thoughts of past and future, we come up with concepts such as "anti-ageing", or wanting to "go back to the way things were".  This mindset simply keeps us in the fear, in the non-acceptance.  And leads to regret, which is an unhappy place.

According to the yogic scriptures, this is a path of suffering.  Because we can only ever be in the present moment!  So, listen in and check in with yourself - can you indeed go with the flow?

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