Anxiety At Work? Reduce Stress, Uncertainty & Boost Mental Health

Author Recap: Mental Health & Wellbeing: 3 Ways for a Better World at Work

May 31, 2024 Adrian Gostick & Chester Elton Season 4 Episode 225

Mental Health & Wellbeing: 3 Ways for a Better World at Work

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Highlights: 📍
🗣️❤️ Empathy & Open Communication
🧠💪 Mental Health Initiatives
🔄🌟 Adaptability & Embracing Change

We encourage you to listen to the full episode and as always, we hope the time you spend with us will help remove the stigma of anxiety and mental health in the workplace and your personal life.

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Until next week, we hope you find peace & calm in a world that often is a sea of anxiety.

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Your hosts, Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton have spent over two decades helping clients around the world engage their employees on strategy, vision and values. They provide real solutions for leaders looking to manage change, drive innovation and build high performance cultures and teams.

They are authors of award-winning Wall Street Journal & New York Times bestsellers All In, The Carrot Principle, Leading with Gratitude, & Anxiety at Work. Their books have been translated into 30 languages and have sold more than 1.5 million copies.

Visit The Culture Works for a free Chapter 1 download of Anxiety at Work.
Learn more about their Executive Coaching at The Culture Works. to book Adrian and/or Chester to keynote

So, Adrian, rewiring your brain, rewiring your habits and dealing with your subconscious, give me two or three of your takeaways. Well first off, plasticity. We've talked before about this. Sometimes we think about it in one way, but she's saying, look, plasticity works both ways. You can form new habits, you can break old habits, but sometimes you get stuck in loops and no more so than at work where maybe we've had a bad experience doing something, bad experience public speaking maybe or a bad experience working with men bosses or women bosses or whatever it is that we think, oh, no, we can change the way we think and that's a really powerful idea as we move forward. Yeah, we don't have to stay where we're stuck, you know, and she talks about being stuck, right? I thought it was interesting, she said, failure is a data point. You know, it's just a data point. You know, don't beat yourself up on it. Take that data point, put it in. The other thing she mentioned is that we really are a product of our entire lives. And don't forget that. You know, you've got a lot of habits, you've had a lot of experiences, and that's why you are who you are. It doesn't mean you have to continue to be stuck in whatever modality you're in, but you can change it and rewire. And then she talks about her hacks. What did you think about those? Well, let me just get this idea too before I move on because I wrote some things down too about this idea of the mistakes we make, et cetera, that life is a learning curve and the failure is data points. I thought of our friends at WD-40. For those who don't know, WD-40 stands for Water Displacement 40th Formula and they're very proud that 39 formulas before failed. Again, they weren't failures, they were data points. They learned every way along the way. I think that's the idea, is that what are we doing to move ourselves forward versus thinking, oh, I'm a failure, failure? Now, coming to these hacks, I just thought, what did she say? The physiological sigh, one of those little life hacks we can put into place. I think these are really powerful to not just be Pollyanna, but to maybe think and do some things in a more positive way. Yeah, and that you can do this. I thought she was very encouraging. You know, you can change habits. You can change the way you do things. And I love that she gives some really practical advice along that line. I want to find out what you thought about her theories on breakups. Yeah. Well, you know, luckily I have been happily married for 41 years this year. So those breakups. Yeah, but we've broken up with one organization that we, you know, it was a little hard. Well, and you know, and some relationships along the way that didn't work out. It is interesting how you, well, at least I did, how you really internalize all that and you really do beat yourself up. You know, and it's been years and years since that happened. And I still have those moments when I reflect and think, could have done that better. Should have been more gracious. Should have been more careful the way we did those. And then the other part of me kicks in, and they could have been nicer too. You know, isn't it interesting the way we hold on to that for a long time. It's really unhealthy. And the idea, we've got to rewire ourselves, we've got to use that plasticity to form new habits and to take away the good that we had, those chemicals that were in our brains, she's right, you know, that were making us feel good, there were a lot of good things. Let's remember those, let's move on. Yeah, and when I think of really good things in my life, who do I think of? I think of our producer, Brent Klein. No question about it. And Christy Lawrence, who brings in all these amazing guests. We have all these wonderful conversations. Hey, if you like the podcast, please share it. We'd love to have you come visit as well to see all the fun stuff we're doing there, a lot of free takeaways on how to help your team not just survive, but thrive. And we like speaking too, don't we? We do, virtually or in person, around the world on the topics of culture, teamwork, resilience. Give us a talk, we'd love to talk to you about your event. We'd also love you to try out a copy of our new training that is based on anxiety at work. It's called the Anxiety at Work Resilience Training. And this is several hours of in-depth training from me and Chester and Anthony Gostik, our co-author. And we have guests joining us from around the world, different executives who have used some of these philosophies. And we get into the eight steps of how you can build a really resilient team. It's some powerful, powerful training, isn't it, Jess? Yeah, really, it was a lot of fun putting it together and really eye-opening, you know. And of course, buy the book. It's available at Audible, available at fine bookstores digitally, and on lit video books as well. So lots of resources, lots of places to get it. And Adrian, as always, a delight to be with you here today. I'll give you the last word. Well, it's been fun. Once again, we've learned a lot and we've had some laughs. Jess, thanks again for being with me today. And to everybody, we wish you the best of mental health. ♪♪