Anxiety At Work? Reduce Stress, Uncertainty & Boost Mental Health

Author Recap: Soft Skills, now Power Skills Transform Anxiety into Leadership Strength

July 26, 2024 Adrian Gostick & Chester Elton Season 4 Episode 240

🔍 Discover the neurology-based power skills that transform anxiety into leadership strength!

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Key Takeaways

  • 🧠 Human Power Skills: Transform soft skills into measurable performance enhancers with neurology insights.
  • 🤝 Community Importance: Managing anxiety effectively requires a supportive network.
  • 🗣️ Communication Mastery: Effective communication is both a cognitive and experiential skill.
  • 🏋️ Mental Fitness: Regular mental exercises are essential for well-being.

We encourage you to listen to the full episode and as always, we hope the time you spend with us will help remove the stigma of anxiety and mental health in the workplace and your personal life.

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Until next week, we hope you find peace & calm in a world that often is a sea of anxiety.

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Your hosts, Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton have spent over two decades helping clients around the world engage their employees on strategy, vision and values. They provide real solutions for leaders looking to manage change, drive innovation and build high performance cultures and teams.

They are authors of award-winning Wall Street Journal & New York Times bestsellers All In, The Carrot Principle, Leading with Gratitude, & Anxiety at Work. Their books have been translated into 30 languages and have sold more than 1.5 million copies.

Visit The Culture Works for a free Chapter 1 download of Anxiety at Work.
Learn more about their Executive Coaching at The Culture Works. to book Adrian and/or Chester to keynote

Well, Chester, that was just great to listen to and learn from Michael Anderson, an expert in anxiety, leadership and communication. I'm curious what you took away. Give me some of your thoughts. Well, I love that he first came out and said that we are built for relationships. Surround yourself with good people. He talked about getting ready for our podcast and putting it out to his network. And hey, what can I do? That confidence that you are not alone, that you've got a community around you, that we're built for relationships was my first big takeaway. Yeah. And he said, look, too, we're also built for anxiety. It keeps us safe. The human mind, the smarter you are, the more you're going to have anxiety. Don't think you're alone with that either. It's normal. And then he moved on to this idea of power skills, which we've been using a lot too. And it's such a better way of thinking about leadership. That we are not just being soft by being compassionate and motivating people and getting people's hearts into the business. We really are exhibiting the power of leadership. Yeah, power skills. I love that repositioning. You know, this is important. You're in relationships. You've got a community. Back to community, though, he did say one thing that really stuck with me. He says, you know, this is why solitary confinement is a punishment, because often when we get anxious, we want to pull away and be off by ourselves. It's kind of like self-punishment. And that really stuck with me. I said, yeah, why would you punish yourself when you really need your community more than ever? And then he talked about communication skills. And I know that resonates with both you and I about how he prepared that words matter and that communication skills are more than just, you know, the words, although really important, it's how you present yourself, how you feel about what you're doing, how you look at the audience and how you interpret, how people will perceive you. Really interesting. Well, and what he called it was negotiation of identity. From the time we are kids to growing up, it's you think, well, just be yourself. Well, who am I? People think. And I love this. Look, the clothes you wear, the car you drive, all of it is sending messages the way you speak. You speak fast, you speak slow. There's so much that we are negotiating as we present ourselves. And people with anxiety, this is a big deal. And what he's saying is really important. Not everybody's gonna dig ya, and it's okay. I mean, how often do you and I do this? We go out and we give a presentation. 300 people there, there's 287 who say I loved him. There's 11 who say, eh, it's okay. And there's one or two people who go, I hate him. And who do we focus in on? Yeah, haters. You know, like Taylor says, haters are going to hate. I did like, too, his spirit, mind, body ritual, particularly after this motorcycle accident. He said, look, I work out as much as I can and I know I've got surgeries coming. It's just really important for me to engage my body, engage my mind, be curious, keep building that up. And then the spirit part, the meditation and feed those. He did that YMCA, that's the spirit mind body triangle that you see at the YMCA. So how are you taking care of yourself? That's really important and that's what works for him and find out what works for you, right? Exactly. Well, we want to thank Michael for joining us today. We want to thank our producer who fulfills all of our spirit, mind, body needs. Brent Klein is amazing and puts all this together for us. We want to thank Christy Lawrence who helps find amazing guests like Michael and of course, all of you who listened in if you like the podcast, please share it let others know about it We'd also love you to visit the culture where you can get some free resources and you can find out more about our best-selling book anxiety at work and amazing new training The anxiety at work resilience training which will help you and your team really Be able to manage any uncertainties that come your way. Right, Chris? Yeah, it's really interesting too. And when I need a mental performance shot, I go to Christy Lawrence and Brent Klein. I mean, you know, Magic Mind, Brent Klein, and Christy Lawrence, I mean, that's the trifecta for me. But don't forget to pick up our book, right? Go to Amazon, it's available on Audible. We do read our books, which is great fun. Lit Video Books has it there, and of course, anywhere fine books are sold. We love speaking to audiences around the world, whether it's in person or virtual, on topics of culture, teamwork, resilience. Give us a call. We'd love to speak at your event. Adrian, as always, you have it. Thanks, everybody, for joining us. Until next The last word.