MD Notified: A Pediatrics Podcast
MD Notified is a podcast geared toward medical professionals interested in becoming better providers for pediatric patients. The goal is to provide high yield, clinically relevant and evidence-based medical education that fits into the busy lives of residents and medical students.
Podcasting since 2021 • 34 episodes
MD Notified: A Pediatrics Podcast
Latest Episodes
S3E7: Pediatric Drug Eruptions - Pt 1
Rashes can be one of the toughest things to tackle as a new pediatric provider. Over the next 2 weeks, we will talk about rashes that can be caused by medications. In this episode, we cover morbiliform drug eruption and serum sickness-lik...

S3E6: Hearing Screening
Not only is hearing screening a board favorite, it's also an important part of well child care. In this episode we tackle newborn screening as well as the AAP recommendation for universal childhood screening.
Season 3
Episode 6

S3E5: What is Pulmonary Shunting?
A short follow-up to last week's episode, this week we discuss the physiology of pulmonary shunting. Hint - all those kids with transient desats after albuterol administration - this episode explains why that happens!
Season 3
Episode 5

S3E4: What is Cardiac Shunting?
We are delighted to welcome Dr. Megan Simpson back to help us learn about the wild world of cardiac shunting. Today we cover topics such as: What is a cardiac shunt? What does it mean to be shunt dependent? And, what special precautions do we t...
Season 3
Episode 4