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Tiny Habits: Flow State, Be More Like Your Children

Lauren Spigelmyer Season 4 Episode 7

This is the third installment of out Tiny Habits series. Our focus is on helping you create micro stress management habits that will fit easily into your busy life.

In this episode, Lauren walks us through the importance of flow state (or child state) as part of our self care routines. Flow state is an intense state of body and mind in which you are so immersed in the moment and what you are doing that you struggle to even hear others talking.

With all of the stress and busyness in our lives, adults can have a hard time achieving this state, but Lauren has some tips and ideas for getting yourself completely immersed in an activity you really love and enjoy.

Lauren answers this week’s listener question during the episode: What else can get me into flow state?

Try-at-home tip: Spend more time with your kids (or pets!) when they're in flow state. Use this time to be fully present in the moment.


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