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Calming & Coping Mechanisms RE-RELEASE

Lauren Spigelmyer Season 4 Episode 15

We are kicking off a new mini-series on regulation strategies, so we're reviving this episode from 2021 as a way to get you in the right headspace for the next couple of episodes.

In this episode, Lauren walks us through the 2 strategies for regulation: the Bottom-Up or Top-Down Approach. 

Breaking down the approaches:

Bottom-up: These strategies are used for the oldest part of your brain: the emotional brain. The Amygdala hijacks your thinking brain and causes a reaction. Activities to offset that reaction include movement, breathing, and touch and are proven to be successful when used “in the moment”.  

Top-Down: These strategies are used with the thinking brain. These options force you to slow down. Regular use makes that part of your brain stronger. When your thinking brain is stronger, it can override the reactive emotional brain. Top-Down activities include mindfulness, meditation, and stretching. Turning these activities into habits keeps you in a balanced, neutral state for longer periods of time. That means fewer breakdowns, less mood swings, and fewer emotional state changes.  

Lauren answers this week’s listener question during the episode: How do I provide consistency to a child in multiple settings?

Try-at-home tip: Gratitude Practice. 

Other related resources from The Behavior Hub: 

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Do you have a question? I can answer it in a future episode!

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