

Meg Brodtmann MW

Meg Brodtmann was Australia’s first woman to become a Master of Wine. It’s the highest decree a person can achieve in the industry and is widely regarded as one of the hardest exams in the world. 

With a 5% pass rate and only a few hundred people who have ever passed globally, it’s kind of a big deal. Despite this, Meg is strangely down to earth, with an affinity for well-priced bottles and a soft spot for moscato.

She’s made wine in more countries than she can count on her hands, teaches all levels of WSET, is involved in promoting her local industry (the Yarra Valley) and still finds time to judge in, and chair wine shows.

Meg’s obsessed with food, and can’t taste a wine without describing exactly what she’d eat with it.

Mel Gilcrist

Mel scored the epic job as a Wine Ambassador in 2015 and after months training around the world, spent 2 years in Canada talking about wine.

Mel then worked in the brand team at Pernod Ricard for some of Australia’s biggest wine brands, before moving back to Melbourne to join Rob Dolan Wines where she is currently Marketing and Communications Manager.

Mel has her WSET3 and teaches Level 2. She is also a published wine writer.

Mel calls herself a Master of Sabrage and enjoys telling everyone about how she’s a “supertaster” (which Meg says just makes her a fussy eater!)