The Spotlight | Generali Investments Podcast Artwork Image

The Spotlight | Generali Investments

Generali Investments

Welcome to The Spotlight - a podcast series from Generali Investments. As global financial markets react to the ever-changing world around us, our team of experts take a few minutes to discuss the key issues of the day. Listen to their perspectives on how global developments might shape the markets, and investments, of today and tomorrow.
Markt im Fokus | Das erste Halbjahr 2024 liegt hinter uns - befindet sich die globale Wirtschaft auf dem richtigen Kurs? July 10, 2024
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🎤 The Spotlight - Generali Investments Podcast | Speciale Elezioni: Le reazioni dei mercatiJuly 09, 2024
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🎤 The Spotlight - Mi-temps 2024 : Bilan et perspectives | Interview de Vincent Chaigneau, Directeur de la Recherche chez Generali Asset ManagementJuly 08, 2024
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🎤 The Spotlight - Hausse des rendements obligataires : terminus ? | Interview de Vincent Chaigneau, Directeur de la Recherche chez Generali Asset ManagementJune 06, 2024
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🎤 The Spotlight - Generali Investments Podcast | Rendimenti più elevati, siamo al termine? Intervista a Michele MorgantiJune 06, 2024
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Higher yields, are we there yet? | Interview with Vincent Chaigneau, Head of Research at Generali Asset ManagementJune 04, 2024
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🎤 The Spotlight - Il pleut, mais ce n'est pas le déluge | Interview de Vincent Chaigneau, Directeur de la Recherche chez Generali Asset ManagementMay 06, 2024
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🎤 The Spotlight - Generali Investments Podcast | Piove, ma non diluvia - Intervista a Michele MorgantiMay 06, 2024
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Raining, but not pouring | Interview with Vincent Chaigneau, Head of Research at Generali Asset ManagementMay 06, 2024
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Markt im Fokus | Rückläufige Inflation läutet Zinswende der Notenbanken einApril 10, 2024
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🎤 The Spotlight - Generali Investments Podcast | Aria più rarefatta, non ancora una bolla - Intervista a Michele MorgantiApril 08, 2024
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Thinner air, not yet a bubble | Interview with Thomas Hempell, Head of Macro and Market Research at Generali Asset ManagementApril 04, 2024
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🎤 The Spotlight - Pas de bulle en vue, mais l’air se raréfie | Interview d'Elisa Belgacem, Responsable de la Recherche Multi-actifs Quant et Stratégiste Crédit chez Generali Asset ManagementApril 03, 2024
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🎤 The Spotlight - Generali Investments Podcast | I mercati rialzisti sono esuberanti? - Intervista a Michele MorgantiMarch 07, 2024
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🎤 The Spotlight - Les marchés haussiers sont-ils exubérants ? | Interview de Vincent Chaigneau, Directeur de la Recherche chez Generali Asset ManagementMarch 06, 2024
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Are bullish markets overly exuberant? | Interview with Vincent Chaigneau, Head of Research at Generali Asset ManagementMarch 05, 2024
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🎤 The Spotlight - Une désinflation immaculée | Interview de Vincent Chaigneau, Directeur de la Recherche chez Generali Asset ManagementFebruary 08, 2024
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🎤 The Spotlight - Generali Investments Podcast | Disinflazione Immacolata - Intervista a Michele MorgantiFebruary 07, 2024
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Immaculate disinflation? | Interview with Vincent Chaigneau, Head of Research at Generali Asset ManagementFebruary 06, 2024
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Jeu de miroirs | Interview de Vincent Chaigneau, Directeur de la Recherche chez Generali Asset ManagementJanuary 12, 2024
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Faut-il surfer sur la vague d‘optimisme suscitée par les espoirs de baisse des taux ? | Interview de Vincent Chaigneau, Directeur de la Recherche chez Generali Insurance Asset ManagementDecember 06, 2023
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🎤 The Spotlight - Generali Investments Podcast | Una tregua prima di Natale - Intervista a Michele MorgantiNovember 15, 2023
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Pas de rallye de fin d'année mais un peu de répit | Interview de Vincent Chaigneau, Directeur de la Recherche chez Generali Insurance Asset ManagementNovember 07, 2023
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Energia: impatto sulla crescita e prospettive | Intervista a Michele Morganti, Equity strategist and Head of Insurance & AM Research di Generali Insurance Asset ManagementOctober 16, 2023
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Energie : une hausse des prix durables ? | Interview de Vincent Chaigneau, Directeur de la Recherche chez Generali Insurance Asset ManagementOctober 03, 2023
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