First-Century Youth Ministry
This podcast was created to help youth ministry leaders become better disciple-makers in the 21st century by educating them on the first-century context, culture and way of life of Jesus and the Jewish people. You'll hear great conversations from scholars in first-century judaism as well as seasoned youth ministry giants to help you bridge the gap between the world of the first century and your world in youth ministry today.
Hosted by Heather Quiroz, author and founder of First-Century Youth Ministry and Jonathan Brown, Messianic writer and teacher with Kehillat Yeshua Ministries, and Torah Apologetics. Heather and Jonathan are passionate about helping others understand Jesus from within His Jewish context.
Find us on social media on Facebook or Twitter or join us www.firstcenturyyouthministry.com Our podcast is part of the Youth Cartel podcast network- https://theyouthcartel.com/podcast-network/