Get Your ISH Together

Surviving the Post Vacay Slump

Katy Goree & Janie Mendoza

You know what’s worse than Monday morning? Returning back to work or your regular schedule after an amazing vacation.

Or a vacation from your vacation?

Whether its vacuuming the sand out of your suitcase or stuffing your ski jacket back into the closet it’s just hard to get back on track

But what if you could return excited to be back?

  • Take it easy, maybe you blew your budget or your diet 
  • Exercise, you do a lot of outside walking on vacation and then you get home to being indoors (get outdoors)
  • Clean before you go, coming back to a clean space rather than chaos helps 
  • Separate laundry before you leave
  • Find the fun, take a new class, get involved in a new project, make a new friend, go where the fun is
  • Change things up, take a new route to work, listen to an audiobook instead, wake up 15 minutes earlier to stretch or meditate
  • Let go of all the stuff that doesn’t matter, that’s how you feel on vacation and bring that feeling back home 
  • Automate, delegate or eliminate things that aren’t serving you
  • Don’t schedule excursions the day before you come home or you’ll be exhausted 
  • Too much sodium causes swelling
  • Plan to have one day in between coming back before you get back into the swing of thing
  • Hydrate, drink 75 ounces of water and you’ll feel so much better
  • Eating clean when you arrive (detox) 

We hope these tips help you survive the post vacay slump and get back to living your best life! 

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