Get Your ISH Together

Underrated Ways to Improve Your Health

Katy Goree & Janie Mendoza

Health is wealth and we’re sure you’ve heard that before because it doesn’t matter how much money you make if you’re not healthy you’re not going to enjoy it.

SO with a little nudge in the right direction here are some underrated ways to help you improve your health

  • Adopt a pet (stay active, fight depression)
  • Start a garden (vitamin D, lowers risk of dementia)
  • Get rid of sugar (cut out processed foods, eat Whole Foods, refined carbs)
  • Foam roll, massages, stretch 
  • Join a workout challenge
  • Get outdoors
  • Go for a walk (go to the beach)
  • Self care 
  • Hydrate (eliminate liquid calories)
  • Eat fruits and veggies (balanced meals, meal prep, healthy swaps)
  • Prioritize sleep (go to bed earlier)
  • Walk more (barefoot, take stairs, 10,000 steps, move around from desk, park farther)
  • Stop scrolling and comparing 
  • EXERCISE, don’t be afraid of lifting weights (or even try yoga)
  • READ 
  • Remove negative people from your life
  • Cut out tv time (reduce screen time)
  • Microwave, crockpot, air fryer, Instapot 

Do yourself a favor and pick 2-3 things that you know would really benefit you and then you can add to it :)

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