Get Your ISH Together

The Greatest Health Is Wealth

Katy Goree & Janie Mendoza

The Greatest Wealth Is Health

Think of your health as the tree trunk, and every other important area of your life as the branches.

From relationships, to your career, parenting, school, hobbies, etc … those areas all thrive when YOU are THRIVING.

And for you to thrive, you have to make your health and wellbeing a priority. 

Your health has a direct effect on your:





Personal growth




If you are not making your health a priority, you are sabotaging yourself and your future.

Whatever is stopping you is just an excuse. 

Fear will try to hold you back, but it’s up to you to go inward, do some self-reflection, and ask yourself hard questions about who you want to be and what it will take to become her. 

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Thanks for listening!