Shoosh - a podcast about health libraries
Welcome to Shoosh, the ironically titled podcast about all things health libraries. This is a conversation-style podcast where the host, Daniel McDonald, tries to stay out of the way as much as possible and talk to people much smarter than him about all things related to health science information and research and publishing and the like. Daniel is a librarian for Darling Downs Health, located in Toowoomba but covering a large part of rural and regional southern Queensland in Australia. He is also the editor of the the Journal of Health Information and Libraries Australasia. The simple hope with this podcast is that listeners get to learn a little bit more about colleagues, and a little bit more from colleagues in the health library field. Thanks for listening. Production of this podcast has been assisted by generous funding from the Health Libraries Australia and Medical Director Innovation Award. The musical interludes are from the band Ethel Red, some members of which are the children of a health librarian. Any feedback can be sent to shooshpodcast@gmail.com
Podcasting since 2021 • 9 episodes
Shoosh - a podcast about health libraries
Latest Episodes
09 | Cassandra Gorton
My guest on this 9th episode is Cassandra Gorton. Cassandra is my second guest from outside of Queensland, and my first from Victoria. In Australia public health systems, where most hospital libraries reside, are largely run by state government...
Episode 9

08 | Laura Hurd
Laura is librarian at Rockhampton Hospital. Rockhampton is a city of 80000 people in central Queensland, about 8 hours north of Brisbane. This is a fascinating and most enjoyable chat, ranging across a wide array of topics and solving them all....
Episode 8

07 | Jane Simon
Jane is librarian at QEII hospital in Brisbane’s metro south health service. She is well studied, including masters degrees and a phd, and is a wonderful colleague and friend. Her reflections during this conversation are most insightful. This i...
Episode 7