Walking On Air

Nordic Walking & Breathing with Tina Gibbons

Mary Tweed Season 4 Episode 51

In episode 51, I am talking to Tina Gibbons, a BNW instructor from the tranquil North Cotswolds. Tina has also been practising yoga since she was at school and has been teaching it for over 20 years. She particularly likes the many overlaps between NW and yoga, such as  good posture, a strong core, balance and stability plus  flexibility and strength and therefore includes yoga inspired stretching into her nordic walking sessions.

In this episode, Tina talks us through a couple of breathing exercises that we can practice at home and then try to incorporate into a nordic walk.

Tina can be contacted on: tinag@mrmsnet.com

Tina mentioned the book, Breathe by James Nestor.

Studies referenced in this interview:

Santino and Colleagues (Cochrane Database Systems reviews) - Breathing exercises for adults with asthma (2020)

Wu and colleagues - Effectiveness of Meditative movement on COPD  (2018)

Hansen et al - Effect of aerobic exercise training on asthma in adults (2020)   

Final thank you to sponsors

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If you have enjoyed this podcast, I would be very grateful if you could show your support by buying me a coffee! This enables me to continue producing these podcasts, as it will go towards covering the server and podcast platform licenses. Many thanks, Mary x

I'm Mary Tweed, a British Nordic Walking instructor with Nordic Walking East Anglia.


I would like to thank the sponsors of this episode, who are:

British Nordic Walking


Discount code: walking23



Paula: 01446 789 154

Walking Women Holidays


Discount code: WOA23

Ginny: 01784 664 063


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Please contact the show with suggestions, ideas for future topics, or to be interviewed. You can reach me on the following:

Email: hello@walkingonairpodcast.co.uk

Facebook: Walking On Air

Instagram: walking_on_air_podcast
