Practice Mechanics Podcast
Conversations for chiropractic practices. Covering both administrative and clinical topics, Practice-Mechanics.com founders, Dr. Rob Pape and Dr. Mike Massey discuss contemporary concepts to provoke dialogue and to guide both new and established practitioners. Rob and Mike bring their combined 60 years of practice and hands-on experience to bear as they discuss contemporary topics relative to chiropractic practice. From patient case management to navigating the administrative side of practice, they bring light to what’s good and expose where improvement is needed.
Podcasting since 2021 • 14 episodes
Practice Mechanics Podcast
Latest Episodes
Practice Mechanics Epsiode 13: Case management and confident care planning
Rob and Mike are back after a short hiatus and hit the ground running with a discussion of appropriate and practical care planning, monitoring patient function/dysfunction over time to establish baselines and goals for improvement, and the use ...
Episode 13

Practice Mechanics Episode 12: With Dr. Rob!
This episode is devoted to discussing Rob’s new book, “Why Does It Still Hurt? Understanding Chronic Muscle and Joint Pain.” Saddle up and listen to Mike pepper Rob with questions about who the book is for, what it’s about, and his writin...

Practice Mechanics Episode #11- Part 2- with Dr. Wedemeyer
Make sure to listen to both part one and part two! In this episode, Mike and Rob are joined by the very knowledgeable Dr. David Wedemeyer. They discuss foot analysis, pedal mechanics, gait, and orthotics in a practical and understa...

Practice Mechanics Episode #11- Part 1- with Dr. Wedemeyer
Make sure to listen to both part one and part two! In this episode, Mike and Rob are joined by the very knowledgeable Dr. David Wedemeyer. They discuss foot analysis, pedal mechanics, gait, and orthotics in a practical and understandab...

Episode 10: Dr. Jeff WIlliams from Chiropractic Forward.
On this week’s episode, Mike and Rob are honored to welcome Dr. Jeff Williams. Jeff hosts the Chiropractic Forward podcast, has recently written a book entitled “The Remarkable Truth About Chiropractic: A Unique Journey Into The Research,