Employment Rights Online: The Podcast Podcast Artwork Image

Employment Rights Online: The Podcast

Employment Rights Online

Employment Rights Online: The Podcast - is a podcast for employees and workers! The podcast looks at all things to do with employment rights, employment wrongs and other job related matters. Dr Asher your podcast host, delves into these subjects from the point of view of all types of employees and workers! There are podcasts out there, that focus on what employers need to know, to be ahead of problems their staff might have or might cause for their business. Dr Asher comes at the subject from the position of workers and workers' rights! Want to know how to deal with bullying at work, how to manage toxic relationships, or about grievance and disciplinary procedures or how to manage disputes at work - this is the podcast for you. Want to know about how your job might be affected by the working time directive, flexible working or lone working - this is the podcast for you! Are you interested in what your boss might be looking at during your forthcoming appraisal - we can help with that. Looking to repair your damaged professional reputation because of poor treatment at work - we can help with that. This podcast covers these problems and many more. We believe that the time to get on terms with your employment rights is when things are calm at work and not when things are going wrong! When things are calm, it's much easier to take the information in and follow through with employment protecton actions. And that's why we're here! Employment Rights Online: The Podcast, aims to bridge that gap between not knowing about employment rights - and being able to take effective actions to protect yourself and your rights at work. Whilst Employment Rights Online has sought to ensure that the information is accurate and up to date, Dr Asher and Employment Rights Online are not responsible and will not be held liable for any inaccuracies and, or related consequences, including any loss arising from relying on this information. If you are in need of legal advise to address an employment problem, please contact your usual services as soon as possible for advice.
#230: How Will You Know If You Are Suffering Religious Discrimination At Work? Here’s What Will Stand Out About The Way You Are Being Treated! July 18, 2024
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#229: So We Have a New Government And New Labour Are Putting Forward More New Employment Rights For Workers. This Week We Look At What’s In The New Deal For You! July 11, 2024
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#228: What’s in the Labour Manifesto For Workers’ Employment Rights? Let’s Take a Deep Dive Into What’s On offer! July 03, 2024
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#227: What’s in the Conservative Manifesto For Workers’ Employment Rights? Let’s Take a Deep Dive Into What’s On Offer! June 27, 2024
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#226: Recognising the Signs of Race Discrimination At Work and the Solutions You and Your Employer Can Take to Make The Bad Treatment Stop! June 20, 2024
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#225: Are You Being Treated Differently At Work Because of Your Race? Here Are The Top 4 Legal Areas to Look For If You Suspect Race Discrimination At Work!June 13, 2024
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#224: It’s 2024 And We’re Just Finding Out That If You Were Made Redundant From Virgin Airlines After Covid, You May Have Lost Your Job Because of Your Age. Here’s What Happened!June 06, 2024
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#223: After Denying Him His Paternity Leave, This Father Won His Paternity Leave Case At Employment Tribunal And Was Awarded Over £20,000 in Damages. Here’s What Happened! May 30, 2024
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#222: One In Four Parents Have Problems Accessing Their Paternity Rights After The Birth of Their Baby. Here’s Are The Reasons Why! May 16, 2024
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#221 When It Comes To Paternity Leave, Partners Are Badly Treated Too! If That’s You, Here’s What You Need to Know! May 09, 2024
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#220: Yes You Have New Maternity Rights But You Might Still Be Treated Badly At Work Because You Are Pregnant Or Because You Take Maternity Leave! Here’s What Pregnancy or Maternity Discrimination Might Look Like! May 02, 2024
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#219: You Now Have Redundancy Protection Until Your Baby is 18 Months Old Because Your New Pregancy & Maternity Leave Employment Rights Started On 6th April 2024. Here’s What You Need to Know! April 25, 2024
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#218: Is Your Employer On The Government’s List of Shame For Not Paying The National Minimum Wage to Workers? Check Here!April 18, 2024
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#217: It’s Past the 1st April 2024. That Means Wages for the Lowest Paid Workers In the UK Must Go Up. Here Are Your New National Minimum Wage Levels!April 11, 2024
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#216: Think Your Relationship Doesn’t Have Anything To Do With Why You’re Suffering Bad Treatment At Work? Here’s What You May Have Missed! April 04, 2024
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#215: If You Are Going Through Gender Reassignment And You Are Treated Unfairly At Work,You May Be Suffering Discrimination. Here’s What You Need to Know! March 28, 2024
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#214: Why Anxiety, Depression and Bi Polar Disorder Are Disabilities at Work Which Are Protected By Your Employment Rights!March 21, 2024
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#213: Are You Being Treated Differently Because of Your Age? Here Are The Top Bad Behaviours to Look For If You Suspect Age Discrimination At Work!March 14, 2024
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#212: Want to Know if You Are Being Unfairly Targeted During Your Job Search? Here Are The Top 5 Employment Rights In Play Before You Have Even Sent In Your CV or Job Application!March 07, 2024
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#211: You Put WHAT On Your CV 😲 Here Are The Top 13 Things You Should Leave Off Your CV After Losing Your Last Job!February 29, 2024
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#210 Applying for Another Job After Losing Your Job Through Bad Treatment? Here Are Our Top 10 Self Care Points to Remember! February 22, 2024
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#209: The Top 5 Financial Costs You Can Claim For a Breach of Contract Claim In An Employment Tribunal!February 15, 2024
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#208: Forced Contract Changes Made You to Leave Your Job But You Don’t Have Two Years Service? Here Are The Top 7 Steps You Can Take to Make a Breach of Contract Claim to Challenge That Treatment!February 08, 2024
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#207: The 7 Actions You Can Take When You Are Forced to Accept Changes To Your Contract of Employment!February 01, 2024
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#206: The Three Hostile Ways Your Employer May Try To Change Your Work Contract And How to Challenge This!January 25, 2024
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